Listen...if y'all don't like the drawing and proportions there's other manhwas to dive into. And just because the author is a guy we're gonna get all technical over things???? It's their work. You don't gotta read. Let's try to be more supportive the plot eats I'm so curious about what's next.
This was so funny but sad I don't mind them being separated entities they have their own charms.
Rereading the latest chapter I can say I also felt this in my womb. My uterus pain me. The veins the sheer I feel it
My heart is heavy seeing him go but I just wished he had at least saw Heesu and I love that Taein is giving him this opportunity. Taein does truly care for his well-being and I think Chan is also misunderstood. He desires Yugeon but Heesu exploited his desire and that is why he basically participated in the threesome. He also deeply cares for yugeon. Heesu is the most problematic one if anything he instigates a lot of things and they all have their different ways in handling there own trauma but damn man really sexed shinje while he out cold w/o consent so wouldn't it also be seen as rape? Idk none of them are perfect but I know deep down they all care about each other regardless of their actions they're just very toxic because of their traumas. It doesn't make things right of course but you gotta understand the circumstances
You know they're one person but he often likes to keep nux from his other counterparts which I find very unreasonable. They are all him and yet different it's like why should you fight yourself. He needs to embrace the fact Nux is loved and accepted by all himselves. Which should be a good thing.
It's annoying to see him be mean to the other Owens. It's like sister wives fighting and it's not gonna make the house harmonious. Owen is selfish with his own self is just stupid. But alas the writer wants it this way.
I didn't expect to see the beautiful dark skin man be masochist. His beautiful skin now etched with the angry marks of Erik... I'm sure if he was that big of a sadist he'd use it on Chris but surprisingly he's held off not to scare him but "Erik" is definitely of the darkness.
Some people just need to learn to mind their damn business like ma'am who told you to insert your self?????
Absolutely over the moon and literally shedding tears at this. I'm so happy. They definitely need to talk but I love how vulnerable Nux was being and I love that Owen is excited about the prospects of marriage and he said he loves Nux!!!!! And love little Noi for being a big cheerleader!
I've never seen a more loyal and dedicated person. Yes it is quite the obsession but boy I'm sure it's tickling all our hearts how devoted he is. Original Asp putting himself through trauma over and over again just to save his beloveds life and even commemorating and preserving his life... honestly that's a big gesture. that shows the extent he's willing to go as a person with everything for someone who seems so insignificant. But even the things we least expect can bring us great joy the way nux as become the very source and essence of Asp's Joy. So even though it might seem too much or we can say Asp is downright crazy and creepy or if you like that he's this way. We can appreciate that he's a man in love and there is nothing he wouldn't do to lavish his love, protect and save his love which I find admirable.
I like that they gave us a look at a strong female. It was kind of exhilarating watching the transfer of power and the display of affection. I wasn't expecting that and to be honest the relationship between ML and fl was all consensual and the FL wasn't doing anything the male didn't like. She knew how to get him going and used it to her advantage. It's sickening how his father would do such a thing
I've been seeing way too me any situations like that. But the outcome was actually really likeable
Man I wished there was like a nice epilogue it ended nicely and felt wholesome that they can be together now
I have second hand embarrassment from reading that....if Aspierre does not show up I'm cursing him to thy kingdom come. You took his daughter for so long then you spy on him???? Trifling mama. I would clap your ass myself if I could.
I think i can say with confidence everyone is crying with this one. Why cant owen just communicate!!!! I'm glad we get to meet other owens its always fun but it's seriously sad that Noi just wants to meet her dad and she cant and Owen is just being a little shit. He shouldn't have left in the first place. Shouldn't have hidden Noi. I knew that beech was pregnant i knew but boy he's not making this easy on Nux. I'm happy to see him though. And i love that Noi has 3 letter name starting with N like her daddy. She's so cute.
First we catch a heart attack, then we attack and now it's getting steamy.
WOW the rollercoaster just doesn't end. Jaein hot mommy stop strutting your goods in the neighborhood!!! We see you. We are looking so please believe taeyoon. Also can I just saw what a loving and tender king Taeyong really is. He didn't get mad. He just calmly spoke and reassured and love on his husband. We love a calm loving king.
She better not turn a blind eye to this shit. She better drag mincheol and his little toy out of her place
I'm super sad for the fl. Like she's so sincere and tries so hard. It's not her fault for having a tender personality. I want the stupid atrocious king to lose her. He wanna be with that bum scheming female. He wants to drown in coochie instead of being an actual king then fine. I hope the teacher just sweeps her off her feet and the nation goes to shit because of the self centered wench he has. I hope he can't have any kids because of her
Well I'm seeing a lot of mixed feelings all I can personally say is I like the ending especially for the supporting couple. Yura has a lot to work on to be fair but it goes to show he's somewhat redeemable. At the end of the day his lover isn't bothered and they're communicating somewhat better than before we can't always dwell on the bad things when people are actively trying to change and be better. This is a story, and yes these situations aren't impossible and can occur but it's fiction and I for one am happy it got a progressive and happy ending.
....Heonjae got MC drunk on that D, man's look like he'd say yes to anything atp. Ik heonjae is mentally insane but he's still a baby he doesn't know what he's doing. He's so childlike and naive but he's also very aggressive and sick. He doesn't think well for himself and being around jingi doesn't make things any better since that's what he's been around. He's a baby at heart though. A needy, clingy, trusting baby.
Poor MC taking that Big Mac 10,000