Shitttt should’ve let this marinate wtf ;;
Also I feel like if you revealed that she’s a fucking homewrecker her reputation would go down the drain already. Like, especially with the fact that your daughter who was supposed to be apart of the original commercial was in a coma because of the two’s affair?? Paired with the announcement of her child at that timing, she would get flame roasted so hard you have screen shots with time stamps already too! And the Subaru guy is probably ml and probably has backing to help(and he probably already liked mc from long ago lol)

Holy shit they just dropped the darkest lore about the art mages on us wtf. I’m glad that ml is going to try to save the enslaved art mages though. And it’s not just because mc is one.
Since mc is able to create life with her magic, I wonder is she’s able to heal those two kid’s injuries and stuff too.
Also, does mc also have a finite amount of power? Or does it recover with time? Like, does at some point they can’t make art magic anymore?
I thought that the sailor sus guy was the devil or something but maybe he’s a dragon? Cause the people of Edmund made contact with dragons. Maybe by granting them the power of art magic, their souls become his when they use up all their power?
Idk random thoughts

I loved this chapter thank you so much ;; I just love seeing the reactions of others to them because it’s how I feel about them too. And also cause we can see what they did during the reality show. Also, you don’t understand how much I needed a scared moondae. Like, I had the EXACT reaction of everybody in the manhwa. I was expecting a Tibetan fox but got the cutest person alive ahhhhhhh

Man everytime I reread I hate sohae in the beginning but then I love her XD like how do you keep doing that to me lol. She’s just has a little of that tism guys, I swear she gets better
She’s honestly so real and I love her expressions in the panels once she stops fake smiling lol. Also, can we give her some props for actually recognizing her behavior and going to therapy?? Instead of a lot of other stories where she finds the one and magically gets better? She goes to therapy and then after healing does she find someone to love and love her in kind.
(Honestly a lot of the characters in this need therapy lol)
Daeshik is still my favorite but I honestly love all the characters. He’s honestly the only one that doesn’t need therapy and makes this story so much funnier and less stressful
The only thing is I wish the two guys that fucked over Jinhyun’s life would be brought to justice. They kinda just get written off when they both did absolutely heinous things and I want them to suffer more.
I’m so scared mc is gonna say some shit like “oh he didn’t mean to, it was my misfortune that caused him to do it” or something. Like, even without that misfortune, he’s just a jackass in general ughhhh
Oh no, he's not a pushover towards people who hate him. He is with the people who loves him tho.
He's such a sweetheart to his fans.