Essay examples: Key Quotes:
The "testosterone" and "just act like dudes" bullshit speaks volumes. That sort of rhetoric is rooted in decades of homophobia and shaming men who don't "fit the proper image" of "what men should be like" and you thought you were onto something with that? Yikes.
Yeah it was horrible at first It felt like someone fucked me in the ass with a blade. I thought my ass was splitting up when my first boyfriend penetrated me so suddenly it made I slap his face hard it went to another dimension. I had trouble walking for days. But after few tries and proper preparation I felt like I'm in heaven.
instead of xiao i got mona on my first pull. i was a bit disappointed but i know a lot of people want her and she's my first ever 5 star so i'm grateful for her. i really wanted xiao but just like bennett my luck is terrible so i doubt i would in the first place. i'm just happy that i got a five star! plus mona is smoking hot
so one time my mom got mad at me, and i went the the restroom like right after cuz i didn't want her to see me cry. guess what? i was hard.
I'm a transgender male. Can I still read yaoi? What about transgender females? Can they still read yaoi? What demographic are you describing, I'm pretty sure this applies to everyone because there's always gonna be someone no matter the gender fetishizing gay people. The "made by women for women" is BYFAR the STUPIDEST most PATHETIC argument made.......
Imagine still playing Genshin instead of getting bored and never touching it again after you had the bright idea of rushing all the initially released content in less than two weeks after it launched even though you knew that's exactly what would happen if you did.
So I'm screwed