countrysidelemon February 23, 2024 5:55 am

i hate this development that the glasses guy likes kiwoon when it literally makes no goddamn sense at all. I was so sure it was gonna be the brown haired guy i swear the author literally lined it up and i was so hyped for it bc itd been building up and it seemed like it was gonna be interesting but when i tell u my face dropped when it was revealed it was kiwoon. Literally the only reason i read through the brown haired guys love story even tho i found it boring as HELL is bc i cared abt the glasses guys lore. It feels like taking a step back in the story esp bc kiwoons not even involved in anything anymore bc his arc is over. PLEASE. im so annoyed man. I like this purple haired guy tho rooting for him.

    sanyong February 27, 2024 4:59 am

    you probably think it makes no sense because the comic didnt focus on them and theyre dynamic/back story it only started when kiwoon met seok and at that time you could kinda tell seungha was a bit protective over him

    coolguy0101101001 February 29, 2024 12:52 pm
    you probably think it makes no sense because the comic didnt focus on them and theyre dynamic/back story it only started when kiwoon met seok and at that time you could kinda tell seungha was a bit protective o... sanyong

    i completely get what u mean but to me the level of protectiveness he had about kiwoon seemed purely platonic bc of the stuff kiwoon had been through, i dont think id have such a problem with it if it wasnt for the fact that it just seems totally underdeveloped and i guess just personally im not a fan of the whole "every character loves the mc" trope. It is what it is i guess i just think taking the story somewhere else couldve been more interesting but we'll see.

    sanyong February 29, 2024 2:17 pm
    i completely get what u mean but to me the level of protectiveness he had about kiwoon seemed purely platonic bc of the stuff kiwoon had been through, i dont think id have such a problem with it if it wasnt for... coolguy0101101001

    he probably just wanted it to appear platonic seunghas clearly the most intelligent character so it might’ve been done on purpose

countrysidelemon February 8, 2024 11:26 pm

im pretty sure he thinks hes stalking him lmao

countrysidelemon January 28, 2024 1:18 pm

literally have not been this excited for a manhwa in a while i am itching for every upload the mc is so goddamn cute

countrysidelemon July 22, 2021 5:58 pm

anybody know when s2 is going to be published here, thank yoU!!

countrysidelemon June 27, 2021 11:18 pm

Cirrus is gonna have to get some serious character development for me to be able to like him, at the minute hes unlikeable. I hope they dont make the excuse of "well hes had a bad upbringing" bc while that may explain why he acts the way he does it doesnt excuse it, mf better get on his knees and beg for forgiveness! Skylar deserves atleast that much!

    AdinaAnime1900 June 27, 2021 11:27 pm

    I know right!! In chapter 20 Cirrus says that Skylar is the weird one but he's kind of psychotic in his own sense. I definitely hope his character development will make him likable considering that he's shown himself to be quite the psychopath. Because if they pull that "He's had a rough childhood" that wouldn't be acceptable especially if you apply that logic to someone doing something illegal.

countrysidelemon June 4, 2021 5:58 pm

well this was...a ride. I genuinely thought that Vincent was gonna be endgame bc homeboy was the only one who was not CLINICALLY INSANE??? and TOXIC ASF??? literally at the end when hes like "yo i fucking hate u and resent u but ur daddy issues and manipulative tendencies kinda make me OwO! and like...thats a kinda love too rite?!!! :)" I WAS LIKE MF NO???? WHO TAUGHT YOU THAT??? WHO??? THAT SHIT AINT RIIIIGHHHT????!!!!
I FUCKING MISS VINCENT, MAN. did him dirty smh.

i swear to god vincent was in like 10 percent of these chapters and he still managed to carry the whole thing, i read it waiting for him to have his time to shine but this manhwa was literally like "nope! lets romanticise toxic relationships!" but i mean, pat on the back for being so completely transparent with that i guess lmao from the very beginning it was like "no this is exactly what u think its gonna be"
it is like, the middle of the day but goodnight this manhwa has taken an incredible amount of energy out of me wajhfkgnhn

countrysidelemon March 12, 2021 5:12 pm

shes literally how some of yall look interacting with gay people. Like as a gay person this shit is so fucking infuriating like fuck. off. gay people dont exist to act as your quirky little pet nor are we to be fetishised. Straight women fetishising and sexualising gay men needs to stop and im legit so happy the creator is showing this in their work.
We dont exist to make u look good. We dont exist so u can act like "Look at me, arent i so nice for being friends with a gay person. Look everyone! Im a good person!" ur doing the bare minimum by accepting us and treating us as equals, get ur head out of ur ass u stupid fuck.
Not to even get started on how the media only represents gay people that can pass as straights. As if to say "guys im gay but like, im nothing like those gross camp gay men or butch lesbian women. Im not a freak guys i dont wear makeup or cross dress for fun. Its okay! Im easy to digest for u guys!"
Its like, we're forced to never be "too gay". We cater to straight peoples ideas of what a palatable gay person is for fear of legit being hate crimed if we dont.
Youre gay? thats fine! but u have to look generally straight. You have to be able to mask it. Fuck you.
Ill be as gay as i want in any way that i wish.

    Nsanch~ March 12, 2021 5:43 pm

    omg i can totally relate to this, it’s fucking annoying and pisses me of how people think of us as there fun little toys that make them look good in fronts of there friends because they are being nice to the “poor gay kid”. ( ̄へ ̄)

    Ikalou March 12, 2021 5:51 pm

    I couldn't agree more, that's crazy to know that girls at my school are fetishising gay men or saying themselves to be a bottom or top for playing PLS THEY'RE 14 HOW IS IT POSSIBLE TO BE SO STUPID ugh I can't stand them

    And I agree at 100% for the rest of the points you mentioned too, I hope that this fucking world will change one day and at least a little more bearable

    helvetica March 12, 2021 7:06 pm

    I agree lol. I’m a girl tbh but my one friend who’s also a fujoshi always gets excited when a guy could be gay or she sometimes starts shipping two real life guys together and I just want to hide in a hole cause that’s so weird and fcked up. I’ve tried telling her that she shouldn’t do that, so she’s stopped, but I’m not sure if she’s only doing that in front of me. Anyway, girls like her annoy the fck out of me. Being gay or straight or any other orientation isn’t a personality trait. You don’t make friends based off of them and if you like hanging around a person and they happen to be gay, you shouldn’t make such a big deal out of them.

    Honestly, I fcking hate the girl in this chapter and also her one friend. Like, you can’t just sell out some guy like that, who wants their privacy. Oh my god, I hate people.

countrysidelemon March 1, 2021 3:01 pm

can y'all stop getting mad at people for not liking the sex scene? I personally believe it was consensual but that he was being too pushy/selfish bc he has been wanting this for so long.
Some of you sound ridiculous when u say "if he didnt like it he would have said "stop"",,,guys....someone doesnt have to say No for something to mean No. "I dont know" means NO. "Wait a minute" means NO. "Hold on" means NO. All of these things show apprehension and when somebody says them in such a situation like sex, you listen and you reassure them because theyre vulnerable and since it was his first time he was probably scared. Come on guys, this is basic consent and decency.
They have every right to be upset about it, please dont tell people how to feel. Youre also allowed to believe that the consent was enough. But please dont say silly things just because it may annoy you. Theres a time and place to be mad about things and people simply wanting more reassurance from him is not something to be mad at, i believe its a fair point and i would've liked to see more of it myself. Its a vulnerable situation and comforting your partner is important so that is what i and others would have preferred. If you were fine with it, okay then, cool. Theres no problem.

I feel like you guys sometimes look for things to be mad about unnecessarily. I really enjoy this manhwa, please dont ruin it by creating a hostile environment. Now please have the greatest day on the planet and have fun

    欢迎 March 1, 2021 3:07 pm

    This is the only valid comment I saw today

    Ahhsheheh March 1, 2021 3:10 pm


    Woke Fujoshi March 1, 2021 3:13 pm

    Foerget it countrysidelemon, it's Mangago. Jokes aside, I completely agree with you on all points.

    Ankledestroyer69 March 1, 2021 3:38 pm

    Say it louder for the people in the back

countrysidelemon February 6, 2021 8:46 pm

how are u gonna use gay in an insulting way when ur translating a gay comic? do you know where u are lmao??

    Terian February 6, 2021 8:51 pm

    Oi oi

    -MinHyun- February 6, 2021 8:58 pm

    Not meant as an insult tho??
    Just used it because of fucked up sense of humor.
    Also am gay myself so i didnt mean it as an insult?

    corpaaa February 6, 2021 9:19 pm

    I was gonna comment this exact thing, it just screams "I fetishize gay men but I'm not a real ally"

    WishHint February 6, 2021 10:13 pm

    in the US, alot of people use the term "thats gay" to refer to something thats like cringey so i dont think the translator meant it as an insult but rather to say "im not putting oi oi cuz that just sounds cringey"

    countrysidelemon February 6, 2021 11:00 pm
    Not meant as an insult tho??Just used it because of fucked up sense of humor.Also am gay myself so i didnt mean it as an insult? -MinHyun-

    As long as you didnt mean it in a harmful way i have no problem! My bad for assuming it was malicious. Im from Britain, im used to hearing "thats gay" in a very derogatory way, as someone who's also gay i assumed that it was someone straight using it that way since thats what i'm used to. But again, i know now that it wasnt malicious so its no fault of yours at all, again sorry for assuming :)

    countrysidelemon February 6, 2021 11:03 pm
    in the US, alot of people use the term "thats gay" to refer to something thats like cringey so i dont think the translator meant it as an insult but rather to say "im not putting oi oi cuz that just sounds crin... WishHint

    Didn't know it could be used that way! Ive never heard of that before, i havent heard it myself either. But thank you for letting me know

    -MinHyun- February 6, 2021 11:03 pm
    As long as you didnt mean it in a harmful way i have no problem! My bad for assuming it was malicious. Im from Britain, im used to hearing "thats gay" in a very derogatory way, as someone who's also gay i assum... countrysidelemon

    It's all good, just kind of weird seeing something i see used in media and irl as a joke is weird.
    I didn't specifically mean as an insult to another person, just as an ironic joke as we are reading a gay manhwa.

    countrysidelemon February 6, 2021 11:30 pm
    It's all good, just kind of weird seeing something i see used in media and irl as a joke is weird.I didn't specifically mean as an insult to another person, just as an ironic joke as we are reading a gay manhwa... -MinHyun-

    No worries, i understand now thanks for letting me know

countrysidelemon January 19, 2021 4:07 pm


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