11 yrs is the age of gen alpha bruh in the time he was fucking gone a whole ass generation couldve been born and evidently they were judging by the kids

ke . answered question about question
ke . followed question about question

Life can get so hard, it pulls you down that makes you unable to even go up again but there's hope. When everything is lost, everything's dark... you can be pulled up again. It won't always be that way so don't ever give up just yet. You have to be there to witness the happiness you deserve after all the pain, after all the struggling. You have to ......

1 days

Nothing like fluffy young love to kick the ol’ depression back into gear. I’m so old…

ke . created a topic of Freshman Yulmoo's Club Life

Localization is a fucking disaster

ke . add 1 photos to Mommy
ke . add 1 photos to Mommy
ke . add 1 photos to Mommy
ke . answered question about your opinions
I thought I didn’t have any controversial opinions but today I was reminded of an opinion that I’ve had for a while as I saw a yt short pass by my feed. It was of that Red flag/green flag guy and I just got the ick… He’s not necessarily a bad person by any means, but his whole “I’m a feminist, ladies!” and aggressive zeal for allyship......
ke . followed a goer

Mgg user since 2019

I can't be bothered to put an aesthetic bio

I'm not interested in dogfights the moment you start spewing insults or illogical bs I'm ghosting you

Mr. Crawling is my wife I love him

21 days
ke . shared experience about your opinions
I think that one of the best things about forum sites like these are the variety in perspectives and each individual user’s right to speech. Despite this, it seems like some immature and or underdeveloped people (children) don’t know basic conversational etiquette. Even if it upsets me that some people are unwilling to be receptive (myself incl......
ke . shared experience about impulse buy
I think that one of the best things about forum sites like these are the variety in perspectives and each individual user’s right to speech. Despite this, it seems like some immature and or underdeveloped people (children) don’t know basic conversational etiquette. Even if it upsets me that some people are unwilling to be receptive (myself incl......
ke . answered question about your opinions
Someone who cares about you would go through the effort of making you feel safe and secure in your relationship. If you can imagine a relationship to be something that is maintained, both parties need to be reciprocating efforts. Sometimes, when things happen, it’s entirely understandable that we may contribute less, give less of ourselves to oth......
ke . answered question about question
Yes this sneaky rat motherfucker prolly would, and even win


ke . answered question about question
Both, but differently. Himbo tops, and you peg the twink. Boom. We starting a human centipede out here
ke . answered question about question
Mine ain’t that well-liked but they’re peak (out of all my other slop).
ke . created a topic of Jinx

I can’t feel any compassion for their storyline, like, at all. KD being all angsty and their situationship, fine. But this whole “I can’t live without you” ass arc is really a kick in the balls. It feels like one of those things where the author is telling you how a character feels rather than actually fleshing it out well.

ke . followed a list
ke . answered question about question
I’d lock them in a room with aphrodisiacs and be a voyeur. I’m not into voyeurism, but they’re fictional and gay and it pisses me off they never had the opportunity to reevaluate their relationship.