For anyone wondering, the texts from the black hair dude/(Kuimi)’s friend/(Yusuke) is:
Y): “I haven’t seen you lately. Let’s hook up.”
K): “Sorry. I’ve got a boyfriend now. Drinks only.”
Y): “No way!! Congrats!! You still have my handcuffs, btw.
K): “I’ll give them back.”
Y): “It’s ok you can have them”
Sum of yall be disappointing me with how you’re perceiving Seunghoe. I never said he was a perfect top or wuteva and neither did the author. If you’re not gunna see his character for the way he’s definitively changed, then you don’t deserve him for the person he gun become and person he was be4 his trauma. He ain’t just a guy that rapes to rape, he ain’t just a guy who uses to use. And the manhwa clearly showin’ that so I’m having a hard time UnDERSTAnDin’ how yall b hatin’ on MAH BOI. Thank you very much, I now conclude my speech the way I do for other paragraphs I write that can be subjected to the manipulation of my words. (I DON’T SUPPORT RAPE)
NOT Y’ALL GETTING DEFENSIVE OVER A POORLY WRITTEN LOVE-TRIANGLE STORY- like damn, reevaluate your life choices pls, coming for me because I’m stating an opinion that Cain’s ‘backstory’ and character are stupid/weird asf-
This ENTIRE story is a poorly-written, copy-and-paste love-triangle manhwa that was only made for the sake of pandering. And the fact that y’all have the audacity to start not just coming for me (like some kinda goddamn enraged k-pop stans on twitter) but for people who voice their own opinions of concern, confusion, and DISCOMFORT, (FEELINGS THAT ARE COMPLETELY VALID DUE TO THE HILARIOUSLY BAD NATURE OF THE WRITING AND THE WAY THE CHARACTERS ARE PRESENTED WITHIN THE STORY) is unacceptable. Like, fine, you don’t agree with my “radical” opinions. But there’s absolutely no excuse for you to turn on other people OVER FICTIONAL CHARACTERS (did I mention, poorly-written, at that?). But overall, this is a funny ass situation on the forum lmao.
Sir touch some grass, your comments contradict your "reevaluate life choices" mantra because it seems you're the one who can't let it go over this specific "fictional character" that we both know who is. Seems to me you're angry that people have different opinions from you and they have solid arguments.
You have to work on that stomach cramps of yours or you will be spending the next hours replying to everyone here with your "life choices".
Wrong pronoun bro :/
I don’t understand why you assume I’m angry about people having different opinions??? I’m just DESPERATELY trying to say that both characters are bad and people shouldnt drag each other for liking one or the other :(
im glad others think cains backstory is weird too. i thought this webtoon started off very well personally but when the author decided to use this basic ass they knew each other since childhood trope i was so disappointed
so true bestie