Is it just me or is the fl's stubbornness of accepting she's a witch kind of frustrating?

i agree im dropping this because shes too naive. other witches are proud and accepted it but she’s so like annoying because she feels like its super bad. yeah she might be killed for it but at least can she just accept it. i see no character development with her, shes too stubborn it pains me and its cringe when she relies on Ian but she treats him like trash. he’s obviously not the brightest but hes been there for her the entire fricking time.

oh yeah true. I feel like shes really self absorbed because Ian risks his life for her in many occasions and instead of accepting shes a witch and be the thought of controlling her powers so she doesnt get caught is a better idea. She is too selfish besides when her witch senses act up. She doesnt even act grateful

5 stages of acceptance includes denial stage, and what she did is a very valid response especially in situation where witches are being treated as evil beings. “She can just accept it” is such an ignorant response :/ she lived her whole life as a commoner and now she’s forced to live in constant anxiety because of the power she didnt even ask for. Her trying to connect with other witches means shes TRYING to learn about herself. We literally saw her approaching things carefully by discussing the witch’s gathering with edward’s fiancée & tested daisy’s power before actually going to the high street. She knew Ian’s sentiment toward the witches but she TRUSTED the guy enough to tell him about her dream but he tried to cut her only source of information without even listening to her side, and when shes angry yall called her stubborn?? For defending her rights?????
Yes that guy had saved her multiple times, but Kate had no obligation to return his feelings, because she never forced him to do it. She already stated it clearly that she wished to know each other well before deciding to go out. It is also clear that she feels bad when her godfather called him monster because thats fucking harsh.
Comedy just went down the drain
good lord i just wanted to see some funny shits and ended up disappointed and depressed
LMAO it was funny in the beginning but all the drama b harshhh :,(