I really Love Jennette the most!! like she's harmless,always wants to help others, cares about Athy a lot, she is very kind and cute,She's so lovely and precious(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ,and I challenge you to give me a reason that she must be hated,like guys If she were the FL you all would have understood and support her,I reallyy wanna her to have a happy ending,I was hopping that her father would become a good guy and cherish her and they become a happy family as what she always wanted,but noo what her father said in the last chapter hit me deep, like why?! Didn't u petty her a few chapters ago?! And yeah everybody is just with her handsome Dad lol,I'm pretty sad like really think about it, WHAT HAS SHE EVEN DONE TO BE THIS HATED? I like Athy a lot like she's strong and funny, but not beacuse I like her I'll hate Jennette,no If there's no reason for me to hate her then I won't and Even Athy knows that she's good and likes her but she's a bit afraid because of the original story but she likes her! and some people make memes about her and that she's a trash and I be like whaaat?? this is just illogical...
Thanks to anyone who bothered reading this
And I really want you to think about it for a bit..
she doesn't deserve that,think about her as a friend with her innocent intentions and I believe you will understand my point of view

Well, i dont like her because:
Since Jennette did not reincarnate with her past knowledge, we can say that her character has stayed exactly the same as it was in their first life. Now, this information is important because we can see how she would act once she has everything she wants. In the first life, she has the love of her father (she thinks Claude is her father), she has a lovely sister, she marries the guy she wants and he is literally perfect, she becomes a princess, she gets new clothes and a whole palace just for herself. So, what does she do? She sees that Athy's palace/items get taken but says nothing, she notices that Claude acts bad towards Athy but does nothing, she sees that everyone favors her even though they're both princesses and she does n o t h i n g. She has the affection of Claude, so surely if she said some nice words about Athy to Claude, Claude would start to see Athy in a different light. We can see that she's also a bit possessive? Like when she saw Ejekiel and Athy talking she got upset because she doesn't to share Athy OR Ejekiel.

I liked that you replyed and told me about your reason not like some other people who just put a dislike and I don't know why, it's really sad to see someone who hates another without a reason and more than that bad mouthing him, so thank u very much.
her past life they didn't tell us the details, maybe her aunt didn't allow her to say anything about Athy or that white dog filled her mind that she might take her place or anything stupid,and I think that she noticed that Ejekiel has fallen in love with Athy so she get scared and could't talk, u know the king has finally excpted her and she can have a father now, I'm sure she wanted to talk about Athy because even in this time and that she can finally meet with the king she brought Athy up when she was run away if u remember, I'm just like u sad that she didn't help athy to become her sis but I think the people at fault is (whity, aunt, Cloud) OK maybe u like Cloud so u will say it's just because he liked his wife a lot but no, he harmed Athy and got her behead and when he discovered the truth he was like : Ok, I'm sure Jenette blamed her self a lot,maybe she did nothing good but she did nothing wrong as well, she isn't like athy who lived with her dad since she was a child so she can convince him easily, and we don't know if it was actually a long period since she lived with the king and when athy got beheaded, and athy has Felix so he helps her a lot and talks to the king instead of her and convince him, but Jennette even If she could not change her father mind there is no one to help her she has whity the one who will never tell the king to look at his second daughter, and like athy now she became athy's friend and looked after her, invited her to her palace but her tries to get Athy closer than that didn't go well, because of those people and her fearness ... And I think if Jennette were Athy's real sister maybe athy won't tell her father for same reason and I actually can understand them, so in the end I can't force u to change your mind of course but I wish that u think about her kindness and give it a second thought, and at least don't like her but don't you hate her I'm sure there's a lot of people who are thoughtful and can understand my POV but they didn't think about it and the POV of Jennette as well, just put yourself in her place from the childhood until now,she just wants a family one person at least, I'm sure she isn't greedy even if her father wasn't the king she will be happy just to have one..
This time a lot of thing have changed and even Jennette will, I'm so afraid that the black magic will hurt her or Athy, I wish Im wrong but I think that this cutie will cry a lot soon... Just give me her and I'll be her mom ╥﹏╥ !!

It took me some time to read your reply but here's what i think:
You say she was scared to talk to Athy because Jen finally had everything she wanted but, in this life, Athy knew Jennette was the original MC and she knew Claude could leave her for Jennette yet she still brought her to the palace, Jennette never did that because she's selfish. Even if Jennette didn't say anything about Athy to Claude, Claude was searching for her daughter and Athy would eventually come to the palace herself anyway. Also there's no way Jen could think that Ejekiel could like Athy because he was already "in love" with Jen thanks to the black magic. She couldn't even figure it out in this lifetime when he was so obvious about it.
You're saying that Felix is helping Athy but he must've helped Jenette too in the first timeline since he would be her guard.
Claude didn't feel anything killing Athy because he didn't even remember that Athy was Diana's child and he also removed all his emotions with black magic. Not to mention that he loved Jennette so much he wouldn't feel anything chopping the head of anyone who tried to harm Jennette. Jennette also had black magic which fucked up Claude even more.
I want Jennette to get a happy ending as well but i still don't like her because she's really naive and selfish

Jennette and athy spent a lot of time together,There's no way she didn't invite her to her palace,if they weren't that close then the aunt would not have been able to put the blame on athy,and about that Cloud was already searching about her,do u mean u don't care about jetty's good intention at that time? Isn't that too harsh? When she talked with him about that,she did it because she wants to help,and I think athy would haven't invited jetty if it wasn't for her father's sake so neither of them invited the other when their father is with them,they are afraid of losing their father,and I said before don't forget about the aunt and whity,she couldn't even convince him so she can go to her aunt's funeral.
and u said Ejekiel were in love with Jetty because of the black magic, is that true?I think he didn't love her and just did what his father told him to do if it was cause of magic then how could he love athy after that with the magic on? and are u blaming her because of the black magic in her body u know that she don't even know about it,her mom did that,
I know that Jennette isn't like athy but u know people are different,jetty isn't that smart or has a lot of life experience,she isn't like athy can fix her mistakes because she doesn't remember anything she just started from the beginning and repeating her mistakes, wasn't the previous athy naive because she just begged for love? No because this is called "Pure & Kindness"and jetty is just like that has good intentions but don't do things the right way but I don't blame her like who is there to correct her,no one,just no one,and she is 14 years old maybe? She is a child!!
remember that before jetty became the beloved daughter Felix could not get the king to love Athy and even after that he just couldn't,(and btw Cloud remembered that she is Diana's child but he didn't like her because she is the cause of her mother death but she got her chance this time when she went to his palace and caught his attention),and now it's the opposite Cloud will never love jetty u saw that your self when jetty fell off the boat,but I'm not against that sadly,but it's the truth that he isn't her father so I won't blame him,and I can't blame her too,it's a complicated situation everyone wants something and I just wish they get it,
Jetty isn't strong nor smart,but everybody has good points and her pure heart is her good point and it deserves happiness not many people like her, without that heart maybe she would not let athy live with her or kept the secret,she did good things too don't forget that,and she isn't the villain of the story,and maybe u still see her selfish,but actually all of us is selfish sometimes so if jetty or athy beacme selfish about somethings I won't blame them because it happens,I'll be just sad and hope the situation becomes better for everyone,I think whity and the black magic are the cause of all of this ahhh
I hate that I can't discribe my feelings in short replies but it's because English isn't my first language,I hope I wasn't rude with u,and I liked it very much that u wished her happiness and that u changed the word "hate " to "don't like " because they are different, and I hope that it changes to "like" someday.

Athy was already in the palace in her first life, she even said she helped Jennette so there was no need for Jen to invite Athy to the palace. It was always Athy being kind even in her first life. And i'm not saying i'm ignoring her "good intentions" but she had none to begin with. Athy just had a fight with her father who she loves so much but Jennette was bragging about how good she and Claude were getting along without caring for her feelings.
You're saying Athy wouldn't invite Jen if it wasn't for her fathers sake but that's not true. Even before Claude lost his memories, Athy was inviting Jennette to her tea parties. She was kind to Jennette even though she knew Jen could steal her father any day since she was the original MC. Of course Jen can't do that now since Claude already loves Athy very much.
Also her aunt and and mr. white shouldn't be a problem. Jen can't always see Claude with them around. She must've had some private moments with just the two of them ya know? She could've talked about how nice Athy was during those times and Claude would start to see Athanasia in a different light.
I'm not blaming her because of her black magic but it doesn't change the fact that she has black magic. Ejekiel met Athy before the black magic could work (remember how athy fell down from the sky and he called her an angel? this didn't happen in their first life, they met for the first time in their debutant ball and by then Ejekiel was already charmed)
Athy's naiveness wasn't because she begged for love in her first life. I don't think she was naive at all. She had happened to meet Claude at the wrong time. If she had met him before he forgot Diana, Claude might have still loved her. And Athy was always smart even in their first life when she hadn't reincarnated yet. They were both 14 yet Athy was still smarter. I don't like when people use the excuse that she is naive because she's sheltered since Athy wasn't really allowed to go anywhere either? Jen is just naturally naive, Athy was always smarter than her but she had no power.
I don't remember anything about Felix trying to make Claude love Athy in their first life? Where did you read that? And no, Claude forgot that Athy was Diana's child because he forgot Diana. If you remember in the recent chapters he used black magic to forget Diana and his emotions. This black magic takes 7 years to complete. Athy met Claude when she was 9 in their first life so Claude had already forgotten Diana. She met him when she was 6 this time so he knew she was Diana's child.
I don't think my feelings will ever change to "like". She has no good points whatsoever.

U said somethings which right and somethings which wrong,like: u said she has no good intentions and that's wrong,because the auther showed us what she thinks and did u see her thinks bad about athy? No,she even fell in the water to catch the umbrella she didn't even think about it,her body just move to do good things, u just don't wanna adime it,maybe she do small good things compared to athy but it's still good things,she always positive & optimistic like if she didn't have that maybe she would not bear that athy didn't ask her
anything about her life it's a strange thing and make anyone sad,
and here (You're saying Athy wouldn't invite Jen if it wasn't for her fathers sake but that's not true.) I'm sure I said "when their father is with them",both of them met a lot and it's impossible that jetty didn't invite athy to her parties we don't know the details,like u know how she thinks,she would not be like I don't wanna athy to come, if she was a cruel person like that she would not become athy's friend like why would she care about that,she had everything
(Felix could not get the king to love Athy and even after that he just couldn't) I meant "if he tried",because he was always with the king of course if he tried the king wouldn't listen to him,and u said that Felix was with jetty so it's the same thing he won't be able not convince him because the magic is on,
But u know what,the more I talk with u I see that it's Cloud fault u said jetty should tell him that athy is kind with her so the king see her in a different way (and I'm sure she talked about every friend she had when she is with the king and she loved athy so I'm sure she said she liked her and she's cute) but even if she did that the father doesn't Care he will consider her as a good friend,just like now,he is with jetty but she's nothing more than a good friend to his daughter, if something happened to athy and they said Jennette did it, he won't hesitate to kill her,when jetty was with him he forgot about athy so she can't just say you're her father,like u said he already forgot he would be like:"what's she talking about,is she sick? "
So claud because he could not bear the pain of his Memories put a black magic on himself and his daughter lived alone without parents he has done something really wrong,hasn't he ? I Know it was hard on him but no that's not an excuse the girl had a hard life because of that .
If u were my friend in real life I would have re-read the chaptersw with u,had fun together,showed u that there's many good things she did,her good intentions, and talked a lot about the details but I'm not that good at English nor I'm your friend,as I said u said right things and I blame jetty a little now about specific things,but I'm sure I did the same and I think u shouldn't ignore the right things I said and see Jennette in a different way, u can judge your self knowing her personality is she raelly a bad person?,it's up to u from now on,think about it,we should be thoughtful, and who doesn't do mistakes? Jetty is very kind and she doesn't mean any harm,If u wanna,u can see the good jetty that I see.

(I'm not blaming her because of her black magic but it doesn't change the fact that she has black magic)…? I see that u r blaming her, yes it's true she has B M but she doesn't know about it,and if it as u say made Ejekiel likes her is it her fault then? It's unintentionally, if she knew that Ejekiel love is fake and because of B M then she would not like it.

That just made me remember something and
I wanna say it to u people...:
Yeah don't judge people u don't know because of what TV or others say, like Muslims and black people, bad people is everywhere it's not about color or anything, it's about the heart!! People thought that Jeff Were a good person but he is not , they didn't know the real him and just blamed the main characters , Do not believe everything u hear or see !!
( We all are Humans)
I hope u think about it and understand, thank you
I laughed when he used his leg and acted like an animal