I’m beginning to think that Yu did cheat on their previous life.
The one that made me say so is the blanket. Cause there’s no way a blanket wraps itself around you automatically if you fell on the bed.
There are countless reasons why Yu’s clothes are unbuttoned.
1. He could be changing his clothes when the white-haired knocked on the door(?)
2.Yu could be changing clothes when the white haired wreck his home and Yu, who unbuttoned his shirt, needed to put the white-haired on bed to calm him.
3. The white-haired could have ripped his clothes - seeing how the dirty clothes are trashed around. (yes, they are dirty clothes of Yu and Qing. Notice the hamper/laundry basket on that specific panel)
But really, the blanket wrapped around them is the only reason why I’m doubting Yu’s innocence. Someone message the author and ask haha
Shennong taught him how to control his chi or something. He gave the MC martial art books But it seems the author forgot about it. It’s been what? 5 years? (in the manga’s timeline)