The only blonde hair dad I support

oh, you mean the 1st life he was and still is in the 2nd life, under a black curse he cast on himsel to forget the heartache including memories and feelings and used jeanette as some sort of pain reliever? yes, yes i remember. also, this new blonde dad "forgot" the existence of his daughter due to some sort of magic from the gods. (=・ω・=)

I think he forgot after helping anthatsisa and I don’t think he put the curse on himself but that wasn’t my point lmao. Claude knew of anathatsia’s existence and treated her like a toy or a bug UNTIL he came to love her (I stan Claude at this point cuz he cares for anthasia and he’s cursed and all) but I’m just saying this guy forgot but the moment he realized he has another kid he is trying to protect and care for her like immediately.

I love the male lead he’s a cutie which I’m guessing is the prince, but doesn’t the fl feel awkward that she needs to seduce her son in a way

I don't think she'll really need to seduce him. He's really smart thanks to Su Luxia being his mother, so he'll most likely just pick up that she's a trusted ally and/or friend. If Su Luxia doesn't inform him about being his mother, then he'll probably fall for her and/or become interested in her all on his own. If Su Luxia does tell him or drops down hints, then he'll probably go along with it or simply have her as a permanent close alley.
This is just me theorizing though.
Can someone let me know which chapter the teacher finds out that iRuma is human I wanna read it again
If you mean the chapter where Iruma tells Balam-sensei, then it's chapter 64.