I fckn hated the Eren she dreamed of, it ruined his passion, determination... his CHARACTER. The very reason I loved his character. Like i get it, it's her development, i dont give a sht about ships in snk (its fun but that's not why i read this fckn series) but as an Eren stan i hated that dream. THAT is not Eren.
I will admit that Eren has had thoughts of giving up his duty but the people around him Jean, Levi, Armin, Historia etc gave him the determination to continue his tragic path. Eren will never fckn runaway especially when his freedom is taken- even if it hurts, even if he's alone. He will not sitby idly whilst loved ones are in danger (ironic really).
But you're telling me she wanted (dreamed) him to "kill" himself (figuratively) so they can be together living away in the woods whilst their people/FRIENDS are killed, Historia be bred like cattle? Left Armin (and the scouts) alone to deal with the war with the world alliance? Wtf...
Her dream to me was equivalent to King Fritz's vow of false peace, to accept this small brief paradise. I get it she just wanted to keep him safe from harm, especially when he's gonna die sooner or later. She loves him, no one can deny that but that ending screamed complaceny.
The kindest thing Eren has done for her was when he said he hated her. It made her question her devotion/love for him. It made her think beyond it, it made think for herself and not just follow Armin and Eren to where they are.
It gave her motive/determination that nothing could justify this choice, it solidified her morals against her feelings for him. But I will not deny the beauty of her adoration for him, because even the atocities he's committed she still loves him.
Did you look at EM's expression at that cabin? Neither of them are happy, they didn't even wanna talk about practically abandoning their friends to deal with Marley/world alone. They didn't want to acknowledge how wrong their choice was.
I watched it, but like I said THAT version of Eren is not the one I adored since s1. That is not the protagonist of this timeline who amputated his leg and mutilated his eye to blend in Marley because his superiors couldn't find a solution to defend paradis in time. He is not the young man who became the devil to protect his people, his existance- his freedom.
That is the Eren, Mikasa babies who she protects and confines from the cruel world.
Nah man the chapter was good, great even but i hated the eren Mikasa imagined. Thats it.
I dont think its an au eren sent her, I'm pretty sure that's Mikasa's doing. It's her ideal "what couldve been has she answered 123 differently". This whole chapter was dedicated to her, just like how last chapter was dedicated to Armin with a little bit of Zeke.
I've already said that I've seen ova? AU? sure I get it.
"E & M would never do such a thing in reality" hence why I call it a dream- a wish even, it's not reality. To me it's the what could've been but only in Mikasa's pov.
Because in c123 timeline, Eren had committed to doing the rumbling, Its why he cried and apologised to Ramiz or Halil during his pov (before he talked to mikasa)- it retcons his development.
it’s not mikasa’s delusion or dream. Eren bought her to a au to show her. Eren showed Mikasa that he's never hated her and also why she has to kill him. Which is why she knew EXACTLY where to find him and why in the end, their expressions are of acceptance and peace. It’s so abvious like i get you don’t want to accept the canon eren that cares about his friend and all but try to focus more
What are talking about, i never said eren doesnt care for his friend wtf. It's like saying what he said to her at the table scene was true. You'd have to be pretty dense not to see that he was lying.
As for why she knew he was in the mouth, i assumed that was her experience with getting Reiner out of his titan during rts. Considering they dropped CT on him and still survived- like the AT.
sweetheart i’m gonna reply to your comment one last time... why the fuck would yams waste his second last chapter to draw Mikasa being delusional or dreaming ?! that AU/ dream, "see you later" and his death in this chapter are literally connected to the first chapter in which Eren wakes up crying !!!! WHAT'S NOT CLICKING
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