Awww please dont say thank you to me ..I can imagine how much your have worked hard dear uploader...translating it, removing stickers and all and then cutting it and writing over it ...I cant imagine how much you worked for this chapter alone ...
Plus what do you get in return are just sharing it and making others happy..
Thank you sooo much uploader
First ,
Kill that scumbag already...
Second ,
Heard of "elastic limit" ..scientific term...if you cross this limit even elastic materials would break ...
Author how much do you wish to drag on this
Scumbag v/s villagers trying to kill witch ..
We are here to see how she evolves into a strong women ..
So many loopholes here and there
I read in one go and I really love this ...its too good ...
I was surprised to see few people saying it's not interesting..
I couldnt even find a fault ...I absolutely love this