Chile I skipped to the ending of the j-drama adaption and I think the husband and wife stayed together what the fuck bro, even the blonde dude got a redemption
Chile I skipped to the ending of the j-drama adaption and I think the husband and wife stayed together what the fuck bro, even the blonde dude got a redemption Illsuckurassspirits
Alright I spoke too soon lmao they got divorced and went on their separate ways thank fuck
Leaving that drama aside, the manga is on-going. Last time I checked she was about to have sex with the blonde guy and the three of them are still together. I don’t know what exactly happened since I skipped directly to the last chapter.
Spoilers Leaving that drama aside, the manga is on-going. Last time I checked she was about to have sex with the blonde guy and the three of them are still together. I don’t know what exactly happened since I... Tolly
I checked again. They don’t have sex (she just kisses and masturbates him -that kinda counts on my list thou) bc he wants her to really love him. So she asks him for time
I checked again. They don’t have sex (she just kisses and masturbates him -that kinda counts on my list thou) bc he wants her to really love him. So she asks him for time Tolly
Hahahaha this is ridiculous af. Please let me be curious which is trio is worse- this manga or yours to claim?