the writing was great though, I found myself hooked every chapter (but poor Jooha, had to go all through that my god) hope there are more side stories!
HOLY SHIT THIS WAS A BREATH OF FRESH AIR!!! Honestly impressed how the story handled the MC's struggle and the best friend trope!!! Wished there were more side stories for Gido, Mr Lee's child, and the main couple going to Hawaii or something!
Absolutely in love with the atmosphere and plot!!! I hope we get more of Iku and Mito as well. Just realized sensei's the author of that big age gap manga. Lol. Anyway, can't wait for the MCs development. Agh, so interesting! Definitely should be rated higher than it is (8.8 atm)
This made me feel like my 2nd lead syndrome is fulfilled. Lol! Thank god he ended up with his group mate. Hope his injury in the next chapter isn't as serious!
The finale felt so rushed AAHHHH
the writing was great though, I found myself hooked every chapter (but poor Jooha, had to go all through that my god) hope there are more side stories!