But I am so tired of people calling Sehyun "slutty". One slut-shaming is NEVER okay. You have to allow people to do WHATEVER they want with their bodies because guess what it's THEIR BODY and THEIR CHOICE. Two Sehyun is being manipulated and sexually abused. To boil it down to he's just a slutty uke (which i hated even typing that term...just say bottom good god), is to erase all his trauma AND trivialize other's trauma as well. Ugh.

girls and gays i must admit im VERY confused. I assume everyone is dead. Both Giju and Young-do and the ending is sort of a reincarnation thing. Where no matter what and no matter the relationship Young-do and Giju were meant to orbit each other.I also like the fact that they finally FINALLY had douching in a fic. I guess that's what you get when you have an mlm author. ANyway despite me not knowing what the hell was going on this was an enjoyable read.


As someone who suffers from something similar when you're going through a full-on episode it's like the restraints in your mind come unhinged and you don't really process the pain till your head clears up. I've got scarring all over my upper back and shoulders from scratching myself. I don't know if they're as deep as the ones depicted on Michiru but I can see how a grown man would be able to gouge that deep.

I'm aware that when I come on this goddamn website that all morals are left at the door, and while this was cute. Wasn't it just a tad odd that they were technically siblings and that the mom thought of them both as her sons.
I know they weren't technically related so it's not that big of a deal its just something that I thought about. But still this was cute. Liked the ending quite a bit.

They was never siblings tho.

it's important to remember that neither of them thought of each other as siblings either so ¯_(ツ)_/¯ it would only be weird for the mom, which the comic did deal with
I WILL CRY ON GOD. literally this is such a beautiful story i cannot. i will literally die this better have a happy little epilogue AHHHH but love every nonvillain character