Here's my theory, he might end up with Taku or no one at all. I mean I could be totally wrong, you guys do you! But think about it, if HS ends up with JW it will feel like they're back/stuck in the past. I mean sure there's JWs amazing character development, but I think for everyone to move on what they need is proper closure (JW and HS). Ending up with Taku just makes more sense, bec he's new, he could be the key to opening the new chapter and moving past this toxic relationship.
Anyways, it's 2am where I'm from and I'm reading this sooo just let this sink in for a while haha. I love all three of them and just want them to be happy, so really I'll accept any ending as long as it's a good one. No hate to the author just love, guys! Night
Nothing against taehee end game it's just that there's no significant character development at all (yet) bet these 2 characters and the relationship they have isnt what youd call "healthy" . Sure they look sweet and happy on the outside but it's all shallow and superficial. taku emotionally manipulating haesoo bec he got interested and Is lowkey obsessed with all his drama with his supposed step brother jw, volunteering himself to be his rebound and now hs is using him as a rebound, he caught feelings, has gotten paranoid bec he knows hs hasn't move on from jw and instead of trying to understand hs, he's caught up on his own feelings putting pressure on hs instead and hs as always hides and mopes.
I think it would be best that joowon finally confessed his true feelings to haesoo and hs decides if he will accept or not. If no, it would be better for him to get away from everything and work on his elf esteem. Taku also needs to mature. Then I think that would be the best time for him to choose taku.
Than well get a joowon spin off, that has more than 3 seasons, better story and MC.
wtf i love this comment.
i honestly get annoyed with people justifying taku. not because i'm a joowon stan but because they act like joowon's the only one at fault in the entire story. what about the parents? what about haesoo? what about TAKU? their way of measuring toxicity is obviously biased af. sure taku's a new face but behind all that? he was doing the exact same thing as joowon! and now that he has feelings and in a relationship that they both agreed to be casual, he suddenly feels possessive.
idk man atleast joowon admitted to his mistakes. taku has such a roundabout of thinking.
Hahaha I said it made sense as the ending bec they have to "move on". Doesn't necessarily mean that it's the "right/correct/perfect relationship/ending". I love all three of them bec they all have their flaws and honestly just want everyone to be happy. No bias whatsoever between JW or TK. It's all about how it all has to end at some point, you get what I'm trying to say? HS is not perfect neither are the JW and TK, I don't think the "toxicity" of JW and HS's relationsip is entirely JW's fault nor HS, the ppl around them had something to do as well. So based on this alone the cycle could either repeat itself with HS x JW or start a new chapter w TK (i dunno this is just somethin I thought of)
If the author's predictable HS will end up with either boys (no hate who ends up w who), but if not he could end up alone and happier idk who am I to decide right? And I said it was a theory, you can take it as you will, not like it will actually happen, I mean the author still has the final say
Again no hate, just love you do you boo hope this "makes sense" to you
And tbh I really have no bias, even if HS ends up w TK not like it'll make my day or anything, same w JW. If I had to choose they should practice self love (HS in particular
Why is this tagged as "Complete"? There's like 40+ chapters of side stories left, what happened??? Please don't drop this huhu
There’s a chance that the uploaded just changed the status of this manwha to complete because the main story is now done and it’s time for some side stories. Other stories have done the same thing like “Love is just an Illusion!” And “BJ Alex”
Omg I’m so happy it’s incomplete. I’d love to see more.
Qait where can I find the raw with the 40+ side stories lol