The Closet Fan Princess
Brooo I'm so maddddd
I used to really like Raymond despite him being blond cause I could relate to him. I'd been harassed and stalked by my bosses son so I KNOW what it's like to reject someone thousands of times without being able to properly tell them to fuck off
Im also just straight up averse to most romantic feelings thrown my way so that feeling of heaviness and loss and dirty ness whenever someone clinged to you is something I just understand.
He also had a really good reason to dislike her despite all that. She was obsessive, punished people and forced him to compromise all the time if he didn't want someone's pain on his hands. Imagine having to hand out with some girl just cause you don't want her servant to get his hands cut off. The fuck. And because of that, he didn't get to be with his mother on her last moments when she felt most alone because his dick of a dad didn't love her and pined for someone else HE REJECTED.
Then the girl continues on her ways, doesn't apologize, becomes even worse and just a straight up clascist who goes around harassing every woman he associates with and every person she seems beneath herself. Idc if she had a lonely childhood. Boo fucking hoo, welcome to the club.
But now she forgets him and he goes and does a 180°????? BOY. I'm big mad. Cause like. Now he's rewriting his memories to make it seem like he needed her and she was always there and blablabla when, no, she was a brat. With some depth to her story, but still a brat. I guarantee you she did not give a fuck beyond a "aw he's sad today :(".
I just hate how they made him pathetic. Not every hot dude not related to the mc gotta fall at her feet just cause she's suddenly not a giant cunt anymore.
It's normal for him to be confused, to have his ego hurt, whatever. But to like her romantically and act obsessive???? Huhhhhhh??????? I'm his position id just say good fucking riddance and light a candle for the next dude that comes her way. Or, more accurately, that she makes her way to. You don't gotta suddenly want to marry her. I just hate the sudden shift when he was a cool aloof kinda sketchy dude. I liked that!! Now he's psychotic!!!
And I can just tell they're trying to do a parallel about him and his father both liking the same women and realizing way too late :/. So fucking unnecesarry. I hope he breaks the cycle at least and moves on with someone else he learns to live for real. Maybe with green eyes girl. She's a bitch but in a cool way.
On that note, fuck every story where the male lead rejects the villainess (rightfully so) because she's a giant bitch (derogatory) and loves the nice heroine only to have him suddenly change his mind and fall in love with the transmigrated mc villainess and the heroine "somehow" turns out to be evil and the evil og villainess just "happened to be misunderstood all this time". Laziest fucking writing I've seen in my life. Not everyone gotta love you. If he rejected her originally, it was for a good reason. You found true love, now stick to it!
And a last shout-out to the red head girl in a ponytail she is a badass and I hope her the best amen
The Team Leader is Tired of Being A Newlywed