Hopeless_shipper July 8, 2024 3:59 pm

If it's their past reincarnation Istg...

Hopeless_shipper July 1, 2024 8:48 am

Priest was too ooc this chapter idk

Hopeless_shipper June 28, 2024 5:28 pm

Yo my friends are like hachi, what the fuck can i do to stop them from turning out like her

It's honestly annoying as shit and hachi is a character I can't stand but I love my friends and seeing parallels just scares me.

Wish I could beat it out of them, but since I can't, how do I lovingly get male attention obsessed girls who fall in love at the drop of a hat to focus on themselves and what's best for them and to stop making sacrifices for no reason, ESPECIALLY for a cheating bastard that I just KNOW will do it over and over again.

Like look I get it Juno had her faults BUT I have to admire her for sticking it out. I wish I could (gently) shake them and yell at them to grow a spine already!!! And their boyfriend's are never as pretty as hachi's, too. They're no takumi so what the fuck are they staying for

Anyways yeah most of Nana's target audience/fans have been in abusive relationships(wiki: I pulled it out of my own ass but I don't know a single nana fan that hasn't been involved some way or another in one) so I'm here to seek counselling as a worried friend who does want to help, but also knows themselves and I'm afraid I'll stop caring cause ik I can't do this forever and sometimes I slip into the "they were basically asking for it" which

Hopeless_shipper June 28, 2024 4:55 pm

If I was the male lead it would be ON SIGHT cause wdym he stole one of my girlfriends and is coming for the next like

    kitkatty1828 June 30, 2024 10:11 pm

    LMAOO dw ml is way better in any aspect although I didn't rlly like him at first bcs he wasn't as strong-willed as Taerin BUT DAMN

    punpurin July 1, 2024 11:07 am

    I wonder why the ml isn't throwing verbal hands at his ex either lol. Cause if u ignore the fact she cheated, she also stole the songs HE wrote

Hopeless_shipper June 24, 2024 12:42 am

Man wtf why is everyone so sex crazed???? Ik it's on me for reading this kind of story but I really thought things would clam down once they left abroria. Jokes on me IG

    tofu June 24, 2024 1:10 pm

    If you’ve seen this artist’s other works it’s not surprising LMAO

Hopeless_shipper June 23, 2024 7:26 pm

Its kinda hilarious remembering I went into this thinking it was a story, not centered around romance at all, maybe with a heterosexual couple between Horus and Hathor that would be sidelined for the plot and then I remember getting to chapter 20 and being just... absolutely gobsmacked.

I was too stunned to stop reading so I kept at it and now I actually like it. I'd change the needless sa but other than that I'm glad I read it! Still objectively hilarious when the two "enemies" started making out tho

    Boobs June 23, 2024 7:50 pm

    Finally someone I agree a 100%

    Izumi-Chan June 25, 2024 12:30 am

    Yeah I was hooked the moment I read it but stopped for while. My hate for Osiris and the SA got to me at first. But I decided to pick it back up. I’m here for Seth to have a good ending and for that piece of shit of Osiris to finally pay for what he’s done.

Hopeless_shipper June 22, 2024 6:50 pm

Bro mc is getting on my nerves like just give bim the cold shoulder for a couple minutes more it ain't that hardddd

Also, he should have let him beat him up.even if not beat up, ay least apprehend?? Ever hear of the fucking police

    Yohi June 22, 2024 10:35 pm

    As a people pleaser it is that hard

    lilac June 22, 2024 11:20 pm

    Ngl if I see yeowon making that face in front of me I will fold immediately too

    Hopeless_shipper June 22, 2024 11:36 pm
    Ngl if I see yeowon making that face in front of me I will fold immediately too lilac

    Just close your eyes for five seconds bro

    Hopeless_shipper June 22, 2024 11:36 pm
    As a people pleaser it is that hard Yohi

    What does ppl pleasing have to do with letting a literal stalker and attempted murderer walk away

Hopeless_shipper June 21, 2024 4:06 am

NGL tho if I was Yona FIRST thing I'm doing is organizing the people who betrayed her dad and firing them all or utilizing them to death

    MarMars June 22, 2024 4:13 am

    i dropped this a while ago and I just came back, but isn't her dad a POS tho?

    bishounensupremacy July 4, 2024 7:59 pm
    i dropped this a while ago and I just came back, but isn't her dad a POS tho? MarMars

    way bigger POS considering he caused thousands to die bc he couldnt be bothered to get his ass up and rule properly

    MarMars July 5, 2024 6:40 am
    way bigger POS considering he caused thousands to die bc he couldnt be bothered to get his ass up and rule properly bishounensupremacy

    I thought so. I wouldn't blame anybody who betrayed him tbh

    Hopeless_shipper July 6, 2024 12:33 am
    way bigger POS considering he caused thousands to die bc he couldnt be bothered to get his ass up and rule properly bishounensupremacy

    He wasn't the a perfect king, thats for sure. But no one is. And while his actions might not have benefited the "country" it did benefit a lot of people.

    He did not want the throne. He did what he did knowing he would be killed by the boy he raised. He killed his beloved brother, yes partly for revenge but also because he was unfit for the throne.

    He saved the country from a tyrant and a despot who decapitated people and burned down temples for one single woman on the off chance that would endanger her when the woman herself DID NOT WANT THAT.

    I bieve that by pacifying other neighbouring countries and letting them take territories (like we see with what happens with the kingdom ruled by the two princesses, who's hatred runs so deep they were willing to go to war despite knowing they could die) he has saved countless lives from being claimed at war, or the inevitable starvation that comes from it.

    Not just koukas people, but other kingdoms too.

    So again, he wasn't perfect, but he wasn't the worst.
    And the point isn't even that, it's that those people sworn to him plot his murder and then tries to murder *her*

    See I absolutely believe that the moment a regent stops being useful he should be déposez, but he *was useful*. He was the middle man between a reign of terror and one of peace under Yona and Soo won.

    Still, I also believe in revenge. You best believe if you kill my father in front of me, and the people that basically raised me try to kill me countless times only to come running to me with their tails between their legs I *will* savour that defeat.

    bishounensupremacy July 6, 2024 6:59 am
    He wasn't the a perfect king, thats for sure. But no one is. And while his actions might not have benefited the "country" it did benefit a lot of people.He did not want the throne. He did what he did knowing he... Hopeless_shipper

    yh i aint reading all that sorry

    Hopeless_shipper July 7, 2024 8:17 am
    yh i aint reading all that sorry bishounensupremacy

    TLDR; he isn't that bad and his actions saved a lot of people

    MarMars July 7, 2024 8:40 am
    TLDR; he isn't that bad and his actions saved a lot of people Hopeless_shipper

    ermmm saved who? wasn't most of the country starving to death? he was shit

    bishounensupremacy July 7, 2024 9:33 am
    TLDR; he isn't that bad and his actions saved a lot of people Hopeless_shipper

    he was better than soo wons dad duh. less shitty king obv doesnt make a good king though if your people are dying from starvation and disease you gotta go. not to mention that he sucks so much as a leader that he couldnt even properly unite the tribe leaders to fight all the fucked up stuff going on like human trafficking or drug abuse

Hopeless_shipper June 20, 2024 10:58 pm

I love Akatsuki no Yona. It's hands down one of my favorite series. Best character development, characters that have big personalities, characters that have depth-it has it all.

But if there's one tiny thing I don't like, it would be how they handle betrayal. Idk, just. I wish they had gotten a little bit angrier for her.

Don't get me wrong. King Il was IL suited(see what I did there) to be king, and him usurping the throne isn't something I'd be mad about, as an ordinary citizen. I'd welcome it in fact, because nobles oblige and what are they good for otherwise you know?

But this goes a bit deeper than that. You're not just a normal citizen, youre a friend.

So me, personally, even if I thought they were doing good, if I see the childhood friend of one of the most important people in my life who betrayed and tried to kill her- I wouldn't even think to say "he doesn't seem like a bad person."

You keep that to yourself. And you show anger and frustration, and you show you don't support or accept them, until told otherwise.

It just bothers me, you know? Like take Lili for example. Yona is basically her only "real" female friend but she waltzes around Soo won and plays around with him like nothing is wrong and that would really hurt me if I was Yona, you know?

Just. I know he did what he did for the good of the country. That he's revolutionizing it and bringing the people closer than ever. But he still betrayed "me" and seeing people who care about me act freely with him like they don't truly care would break me in a way.

For me trust is my biggest value, so seing betrayal just be brushed off is not something I enjoy. And Soo won is one of my favorite characters mind you! He's really incredibly written AND incredibly designed. But still.

He didn't have to take that road. He could have imprisoned her, tried to reason with her, anything. Instead he immediately resorted to killing off his two childhood friends. Not only Yona, but hak-in my opinion his favorite person(not romantically, ya weirdos) -, too.

And it just feels like they've forgiven him. Not just, "I hate you but I love this country more" but fill on "let's put this behind us. I want you to live for no other reason than it's you." And that gets a bit on my nerves.

Not to mention, king il wasn't completely inept. Look, he still kinda sucked. Drugs, slavery, widespread hunger, etc. But those are normal inevitable things that happen in any country, let alone a coyple hundred yesrs ago. I
Heck I live in a first world country and we still deal with all those same problems!!!

But he wasn't just a coward. He stopped his brother, who was a despot and a killer. He gave up territories and weakened the nation, sure- but he was giving reparations to the victims of his brother and his father's legacy-. I'm sure that must have stopped a few wars as well.

He harboured the son of his wife's killed, and the one who would murder him in the certain future. He let him be, even tho he knew how this would end. Because he truly thought that was for the best. Soo won sees him as an inept leader and a scoundrel who kills people, but he only murdered his brother, who is the one who fit both those titles perfectly. The country needs a fearless general to protect itself, but it's leader cannot be a warmonger. Only the poor are trampled and made to pay the most, yet receive the least.

    Telepathee June 20, 2024 11:37 pm

    I completely agree, justice for Yona. I had to drop it a while back because I felt like it was so unfair how everyone was ignoring her very valid hatred for soo won. Especially the whole lili thing that was my last straw, how can you go and face Yona after chilling with her enemy, and still act like her friend. Even ignoring killing her dad he literally hunted her down and now she’ll only get back her father’s throne because he’ll gave it to her. I felt like all the character development yona went through was pushed to the background after soo won made his appearance again.

    Coco June 21, 2024 5:04 am

    who forgive soo won?? i personally don't hate him because he's an interesting character, but i hate his act of killing his childhood friend's dad etc no matter the reason. it's unforgivable. i think lili doesn't know at all about the previous emperor death.

    Hopeless_shipper June 21, 2024 5:34 am
    who forgive soo won?? i personally don't hate him because he's an interesting character, but i hate his act of killing his childhood friend's dad etc no matter the reason. it's unforgivable. i think lili doesn'... Coco

    She does tho ?? She says it herself. That even tho she gets along with his Majesty she is still on yo as side. She's not _that_ dumb.
    I just personally don't think if you were on someone's side you would be able to get along with the person who hurt them like that

    Coco June 21, 2024 10:18 am
    She does tho ?? She says it herself. That even tho she gets along with his Majesty she is still on yo as side. She's not _that_ dumb.I just personally don't think if you were on someone's side you would be able... Hopeless_shipper

    ooh i forgot it has been so long. yeah this comic has problem in that most characters seems forgiving or "get along" with each other even including yona. but this comic can just make it feel natural... as reader i can only accept it and move along. after all plot is more important (it's not)

    MarMars June 22, 2024 4:15 am
    I completely agree, justice for Yona. I had to drop it a while back because I felt like it was so unfair how everyone was ignoring her very valid hatred for soo won. Especially the whole lili thing that was my ... Telepathee

    I dropped it bc I felt bad for soo won like..idk I just hate her dad. but like idk what's going on rn bc I dropped it a while back

    Telepathee June 22, 2024 3:39 pm
    I dropped it bc I felt bad for soo won like..idk I just hate her dad. but like idk what's going on rn bc I dropped it a while back MarMars

    The complete opposite for me, I felt bad for yona. Soo won’s dad was so much worse than hers anyway. Other than being too much of a pacifist her dad wasn’t that bad, her war criminal uncle on the other hand…

    Hopeless_shipper June 22, 2024 5:12 pm
    I dropped it bc I felt bad for soo won like..idk I just hate her dad. but like idk what's going on rn bc I dropped it a while back MarMars

    Her dad wasn't that bad. He wasn't perfect but you can never be perfect as a ruler. Obv I disagree with a lot of the things he did but Soo eons father, as the alternative, would have been so much worse

Hopeless_shipper June 20, 2024 10:32 pm

Let me guess....he needs to be pierced by the crimson king himself. So, he antagonizes them and especially hak as her greatest weakness so she grows angry enough to let them go.

But that's so silly, Zeno.
Can't you see she couldn't even properly hate the one who killed her family and turned her life upside down? The one who tried to kill her and Hak as well?

How is she supposed to hate you, who shares her blood and a soul tie?

    Wonker June 21, 2024 7:32 am


    Hana_です July 4, 2024 5:23 pm


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