idk why but i want to know more about the moms home life or before she had seichi because though i have so much hatred for her for manipulating and messing up her kid, i imagine she didn't even want him in the first place or was either thinking a baby could help her escape from her dreadful life as a house wife, her motives are such a big grey area. because evening after attempting to kill him she just gave up on that and manipulated him to becoming her "yes man" but for what reason did she choose to do this and was it loneliness that drove her to cling on to seichi and obsess over him so much because seeing things my way, her and the husband didnt really have any connection so it could be possible but idk shes just very scary and strange and i just want to know more about whats going on in her mind :/
omg wow this ch really opened my eyes now i understand why yawhi raped jooin n put him through all that emotional abuse wow this rrly and i mean rlly makes me feel bad for him he totes deserves like so much better fr
yes i completely get it!!! i forgave him for everything because him losing a lot as a kid is justification for raping someone while they were drunk and unable to give consent!!
Sorry but that was... So cruel but so true, im dying
Youre...being sarcastic right..? pls tell me you are
Yeah it is
Idk about the rape but the emotional abuse you can kinda understand and pls don’t say you can understand why he raped him that don’t sound right
Bruh it's sarcasm
i thought this was serious and i disliked sorry