I was rereading this after more than a decade, just wanting to indulge in nostalgia because of how much I loved this when I was young. All I can say is, man I had questionable tastes back then. I managed to get about halfway through before calling it quits and just skipping to the last chapter to see the ending. I can't believe how big of a red flag both MCs are, not just the ML. A lot of it is played for comedy, so maybe that's why you kinda just gloss over it for the "romance" parts, but now that I've looked at it from a more mature mindset, it's just all so wrong. Ewon is an unrepentant cheater and Mookyul is a violent and immature manchild. They're both beautiful to look at, sure, but their relationship is far from inspiring. It's just concerning. Now I'm scared to check out other stuff I've loved before lmao. Maybe it should just be an occasional thing I do to measure how much I've evolved.