It was ok like wow luv the art but it was too uncomfortable like i wish it had a softer plot bc they deserved a happy love story hnnnnggg cos the black haired dud had some issues when he was young so they couldve just made them meet again in a decent way without the raping and selling ur body part bc what the fuck was that i rlly hated it sksksks i felt so bad for the uke he just wanted to be loved but Y U GOTTA PUT HIM THROUGH THOSE SHITS BRUH sighs oh well every manga has its low points lol just wish it couldve been better (personal opinion ppl dont bark @ me LMAO i didnt hate it that much anyway)

That was the cutest, softest, and fluffiest story ever im not kidding like i never felt so soft reading smut they were literally full of fluff and theyre so good to each other that i wanna scream abt it all day:( pls it was rlly soft-- its refreshing esp for an omegaverse story hnnnggg i love them so much hhhhhh
I love them so much i would probably go back to this to heal my heart when needed hnnnngggg