does this have a novel.,, it’s so silly that I want more
I remember watching one of those Chinese drama ads with this same trope (on TikTok ). I hope this has consistent updates bc the ad was entertaining, but I didn’t want to buy episodes to watch it.
this is so silly,,, it’s now one of my favorite new series atm. Such a stupid trope, but the author actually goes through with it quite well. 10/10
This bias is too strong.. the first guild master looked better than the new owner of the sword
guys is he unemployed or something. how’s he just waiting for her 24/7. did he like, hit it big during that 2 year gap and won the lottery or whatever??
I’m lowkey hyped for the next chapter and the bootcamp arc. It’s such a cliche plot, but I can’t help but want more.
ngl I lowkey been tearing up while reading this. Mc is so silly, but every other chapter hits like a truck
Honestly, i think if i read this like 8 years ago, id totally love this cliche plot. I like crossdressing trope, but it’s so ridiculous when you see her build next to literally anyone else LOL.
Also, I hope the prince isn’t entirety a bad guy. He’s such a silly guy next to mc,, can’t help not hating him
ngl, I forgot about this for like 2.5 years. Read until the latest chapter and every single love interest pisses me off in some way. Some, a lot more than others. Like damn, can’t even freely be her own person atp
I read until chapter 80 and decided to let this marinate for 2 years..
I should’ve left it alone for another 2 years… it’s killing me bc I actually really liked the characters and plot
Read like up to ch 574, idk if there’s any more chapters.
But there’s no fl, the story is just his life and acting . Mc is kinda dense, very silly,,
I came back after a year. read up to chapter 700 of the novel, and came to accept the manhwa change. I still miss the old art style..everyone looks so dull now idk…
??? Lady needs to be fired . also, she can not be 49kg… no way man
omg..theyre really speedrunning this compared to the novel. I guess i shouldnt complain bc every small issue took like 100 chapters to solve. Im just surprised at the manhua speed
whys the prince trying to seduce me with his looks..