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Usagiumiko October 13, 2024 3:39 am

why is no one mad at JJ too?? like hello ? is his fault too, especially for not communicating at the beginning. like bro? how are you gonna keep up a relationship if you don’t talk about what is bothering you and start to antagonise the other person?? they are both at fault, both did some things wrong.

    graham crackers October 13, 2024 8:14 am

    FOR REAL IDK HOW PPL FAIL TO SEE THAT. its not like leo is perfect bruh hes far from it. he’s a brat and jj knew that going into the relationship. sure, leo should be more considerate but because he isnt getting anything from jj he would think how he’s been so far is okay. theyre in a relationship for a reason bruh is talking not normal anymore istg

    Tartarus October 13, 2024 6:47 pm

    Omg I feel like I’m going fucking crazy. Like I feel like no one read the same story as me. You are saying that JJ should have communicated when that is all he was trying to do. He was constantly trying to communicate with Leo but Leo kept brushing it off. If someone kept doing that to me and wasn’t listening to me, I would have checked out so hard from the relationship. Leo isn’t just bratty. He is a bad listener, only wants to hang out with JJ for sex, and took him for granted. These qualities can’t just be chalked up to brattiness. It’s not like JJ just stopped communicating with Leo just because. It was because even when he did try to communicate, Leo wouldn’t take it seriously. Also, do you want to be with someone where you would have to constantly explain things that are very obviously wrong? Like do I want to always explain that listening to me is important even if we’ve been in this relationship for a long time? Lol no. I would leave after I realized that honestly this shows that he doesn’t really care about me. Which is what JJ was doing.

    chocobuun October 13, 2024 11:26 pm

    I’m convinced y’all selectively read just like Leo selectively listens lmfaooo. It’s been shown many times how jj TRIED to communicate, and even when there’s full on proof that Leo doesn’t listen when jj is talking, y’all still refuse to acknowledge that and just want the excuse to lift the blame off Leo. Obviously at some point jj doesn’t communicate every little thing, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t tried to before. Y’all keep bringing up communication as the only reason you have to hate on jj.

    It’s just so odd that whenever I see any other stories where the bf is bad to the mc, NOBODY comes up with the same bullshit of “mc should be blamed, they didn’t communicate enough!” I’m GENUINELY convinced it’s that halo effect around bottoms or female leads that y’all defend even when they’re mostly in the wrong. I KNOW y’all wouldn’t be saying the same crap had the roles been reversed and jj was the bad boyfriend while Leo wasn’t communicating. You’d all be like “oh! Jj is a terrible bf! Just break up with him and find someone new!!”
    Anyways idk what you’re going on about “why is no one mad at jj too??” Honey, the past hundred pages are filled with Leo stans shifting all the blame onto jj with the excuse of jj not communicating and should have known better lol.

    tokotoko October 14, 2024 1:00 am

    cus your boyfriend treating you like shit isn’t your fault people acting like Leo isn’t a whole adult who can think for himself. If your boyfriend told you “so I’ll be free from your nagging for a year” would you think the same? He was an absolute shit boyfriend, I’m surprised it took JJ 5 more months to break up with him lol
    it’s a little alarming that you think JJ needs to spell it out to Leo that saying that is hurtful. And even when JJ did voice stuff a few times (like what he wanted for his bday) he was ignored. Yall act like this is 50/50 and baby Leo so so much. His ass is lucky that JJ is even willing to give him another chance lol
    The only thing that was truly JJ’s fault is what he did in the garage, and he acknowledged that.

    Ratpatootie October 14, 2024 1:09 am

    J.J. Did speak, Leo just didn’t listen just like you guys can’t read and comprehend. The uke is cute so you want him to get away with terrible behavior, I get it. But J.J. was ignored and treated like crap by Leo, he had every right to distance himself after trying for so long. The bare minimum of someone in a rship is to treat the other person as, well, a person? With their own feelings and thoughts and Leo’s inability to do that was not J.J’s problem to fix. J.J should’ve left sooner if anything instead of dealing with Leo’s mess for so long, he deserved better

    Tartarus October 14, 2024 9:35 pm
    I’m convinced y’all selectively read just like Leo selectively listens lmfaooo. It’s been shown many times how jj TRIED to communicate, and even when there’s full on proof that Leo doesn’t listen when... chocobuun

    OMG EXACTLYYYYYY!!! I genuinely feel as though some people (most people) weirdly self insert themselves as these GAY MEN bottoms and so they try to excuse their shitty behavior as if it were themselves all the fucking time. Trust me, I’m a bottoms advocate, but some people make it so hard to defend them. And yes, literally everyone is mad at JJ all the fucking time, even in the first few chapters, even when it’s explained that JJ always tried to communicate.

Usagiumiko August 31, 2024 9:37 am

I would have hit his head on the coffee machine if I were in her place

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