I just finished reading this and I'm also overwhelmed by emotions but I'm also curious about something. Uhm, did the first couple choose not to have a child or something is wrong with the omega?

First couple has a new sequel this 12 of march ( ̄∇ ̄")

He's such a fucking promiscuous man but dares to say that he won't let any other man be alive after touching Yoshino. However, doesn't he realize that Yoshino will never like him if he continues acting like this? I get that you can't easily change and he's been twisted ever since childhood but seriously, his audacity astounds the fuck out of me.

+ if he really loved her, he wouldn't even looked at another woman, I feel like its infatuation just bc he's obsessed w/ the fact that she's different from other woman; doesn't give him attention, treats his pretty normally, badass, stands up for herself etc
if they end up together im gonna be real disappointed
Uhm, I'm really confused. I read from a spoiler that the black-haired grandpa cheated on the other one and he was an absolute jerk as well, hence he was abandoned. I tried skimming through it to see this scene, but I can't find it. Is it true or just the speculation of readers? Oh, and I also hope they don't accept those men in their lives anymore. They're too fucking toxic, yuck
Yes shen linxiao cheated on su han, and only used him for his rut and play thing. Then getting him pregnant and abandoning him. Now many years later want to comeback....
Yikes, I hope Su Han don't accept him anymore. His pride is too high and he thinks what he's doing is the best despite it being the bare minimum. I think I won't be reading this for awhile. Thank you for your reply!
Me too