i'll say this time and time again. i feel beyond fortunate to have been granted the opportunity to read and reread and feel and experience a story like this over and over. jinsol's mother owning up to her actions and their influence on jinsol's behaviour and way of thought hits home hard. and it makes me aware. how not to feel sentimental and dutiful when the characters display such a raw emotion and pure courage?

under the impression that the hands in the cinema did kill that person, who may have been jun's friend. as these two were being nasty, the people in the cinema happened to notice the blood and considered calling the police; turns out it wasn't the movie's audio.
noteworthy how the blonde, afterwards, told Jun to get out of there because it was noisy with a scary look.
it seems like "yura hyung" has got a case of both DID and Dissociative Amnesia. and i've got a few passing thoughts to note to myself and whoever's interested.
DID involves a lack of connection among a person’s sense of identity, memory and consciousness. so a diagnosed person possesses less of a personality, it's devided and developed into either docile or extreme extents of the person's united consciousness as a coping mechanism to traumatic situations. the way these feelings and ways of thought are presented by each alter differs to the nature of the feeling itself and where it stems from and is not to be confused with a foreign personality.
in this case, both aspects of "yura hyung" are real. and i believe one represents the desire and impulsive behaviour he has forced himself to downplay/overlook/suppress throughout his life, whereas the other stands for his conservative nature, the image he felt the need to maintain by concealing any feeling he deemed unbefitting. and both of them identify as "yura hyung", making the concept easier to grasp.
due to the intense emotional pressure, yura's feelings were utterly devided. the desire (night hyung) carries the memories of affection and attraction, the raw emotion towards the MC. the suppression (day hyung) remembers merely the distanced version of those interactions and possibly every other interaction which was infested with unbefitting emotions. the disappearance of an alter may equal the acceptance of an emotion/situation.
i love you for this