Is there a novel? If yes, can someone give me the link? Pretty please

It's pretty easy, just scroll past the description and then you'll see where it says "latest release" and from the left is the date of when each chapter was released, in the middle is the group/translator who released it, and then all the way on the right is the chapters but you'll need to make / login to an account to access the chapters. Hope this helped *>_<*

Did the brother also sexual assaulted him in the past too?

Spoiler, be warned!
Yes, he did.
But in TL1 Ido did love Se-jin. It was a contractual marriage through and through but Ido fell in love with Se-jin which explains his memories the 1st time they went to the Han River and the translated french word I love you like the moon? It was Se-jin in the first time who said it and Ido in the second time line wrote it. In the 1st Timeline Se-jin taught Ido French. He was the teacher he was talking about. Ido basically fell in love. He was too in love with him to the point he got Se-jin out of prison for embezzlement and tax evasion of course Director Kim call and begged Ido to get Se-jin out but even without Director Kim begging Ido would have get Se-jin out anyways. Director Kim will also be the whistleblower in both timeline. Ido was angry because Se-jin stole from him but what he was really angry was he realized thaf in Se-jin’s heart there’s only his father. He told Se-jin that in Se-jin’s heart I was not there. I was never there. And that’s when all the abused started in the 1st Timeline. All those times Ido taught that Se-jin never really loved him but he couldn’t let Se-jin go even after Se-jin asked for a divorce because he thought that Ido gave him to his brother Kwong Jung.
blue ball and on edge bruh