xxkurokoxx created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Seeing the younger version of the two at the end was downright depressing. They’re brothers. He spent his lifetime atoning for what he did in the first life. And he seemed to be a good brother. I just think MC shouldn’t have been so quick to call each other strangers - maybe they reduce the time they spend together, but at least acknowledge that he’s a better person now in this life.

xxkurokoxx created a topic of Dreadful Night

I think Doha has no plan to escape the game - he’s just following the flow for now so Bada can be satisfied with any progress being made, but seems like Doha is secretly sabotaging Bada by preventing him from finding new messages/secrets that are being unlocked each run, slowing Bada’s progression to beating the game. I think this will be revealed once Bada has completely fallen for Doha, and that’s what Doha is counting on - Bada not wanting to leave and staying with him forever.

Okay so I’m pretty sure in the novel, the brother acc has a crush on the FL, and so he was doing all of this to woo her and get her to think of him as a potential partner. It’s really nice that the webtoon changed it so instead, he’s trying to get her close with the ML.

xxkurokoxx created a topic of Waterside Night

I actually love this story and the characters - whenever I see an update, I immediately rush to read the chapter. I NEED to see the lil brother and the baby jellyfish!!!

xxkurokoxx created a topic of Driver's High

So the new chapter basically doesn’t even have also touch upon wtv happened last chapter. Like, the author completely brushed aside the rape and trauma and just acts like Leo is totally fine (if only a lil mad at how JJ just left him there) and ready for more. That’s disappointing.

Own up to what you created - you made the top rape the bottom, and apparently it’s not considered ‘rape’ at all? Watch the next ch be Jj raping Leo again.

xxkurokoxx created a topic of Arrogant otto the 1st

Honestly downvote me if you want, but if you’re that busy with other stuff translator-person, I think you should drop this project and allow someone else to take it up. The raws are complete, so really, there is no wait or hiatus, yet there was still a 4 month gap.

xxkurokoxx created a topic of Driver's High

I just reread ch 1 again, AND GUYS the new chapter is nothing compared to the first. Yes, bottom used the top for pleasure and then left, but like the top NEVER SAID NO. In fact that too even started banging the bottom harder at one point.

Yes, both of them were wrong, but the bottom literally told the top to stop and to go slower. It was clearly wayyy too much for him, and without preparation, and on top leaving the bottom in such a vulnerable position after he was used.
Not happy with how it’s going.

xxkurokoxx created a topic of Driver's High

That was so disgusting to read. Like I think that was wayyyy worse than what the bottom did to the top in the beginning. And I get it, the bottom enjoyed it (from what it seems), but I’m genuinely considering that rape.

No preparation, non-stop, and without any care for the bottom?? Nah, that’s a major yikes from me

So I acc started reading the novel after S1 cause I wanted to, and I swear the younger bro ends up kinda falling in love with the MC?

I wonder how the manwha is gonna change it, cause the scene where he talks to the doctor makes it clear he sees the MC ending up with his older brother, not really indicating that he’s interested in her.


Catch his cheating ass, this man needs a fucking wake up call cause he keeps thinking she’ll always be there for him, someone to come home to, but I’m praying ML swoops her away to his house after. She cannot continue to stay around that ginger. And I really hope the new gf also releases how disgusting the ginger is and drops his ass, leaving him with no one.

xxkurokoxx created a topic of The Viper's Raven

If I was piss poor and had dents, and someone cleared all my debts for me, I’d thank them and go on with me day. Why do they always try to repay their debts in these kind of stories??? Like bro walk away and be free

Honestly it seems like she decided to continuously be unnecessarily difficult in the marriage. Like, sure he didn’t show up for the contract, but he’s always made a point afterwards to be helpful and supportive, and it just seems so weird that she stayed angry with him.

Also she literally is a princess, and nearly cried a goddamn war bc she didn’t want to marry.

Idk, I’ll read bc I wanna see her regret her decisions and change, but damn she really decided to throw a temper tantrum for 2 years straight at her perfectly kind husband (which is probably more than anyone could ask for in those times)

xxkurokoxx created a topic of Plin's Love Juice

Every staff member there is drinking their boss’ penis juice??? What even…

xxkurokoxx created a topic of Love Remedy

I would legit hate to see the puppy ml and handsome/sweet ml get ignored
Tho that long hair ml is hot as hell and is def endgame material

xxkurokoxx created a topic of Love Remedy

ITS SO OBVIOUS every single chapter I’m flabbergasted by how not a SINGLE person caught MC’s lies - he’s legit a twink, esp compared to his other members, who are all buff as hell, much taller, and more chiselled. Like you’re telling me there wasn’t one fan that caught on???

On top, this manwha had me hollering when he just went and said he was an omega OUT LOUD on a random phone call in a not so hidden area - it’s like the guy isn’t even trying to keep it a secret. ATP I’m assuming the entire universe is blind as hell like the miraculous universe

xxkurokoxx created a topic of ASHTRAY

Why can’t we get a story where the MC ends up killing the ML or making the ML suffer?? There’s so many tragic torture BL plots, but when can we acc see the MC get revenge for all his suffering, and live a happy life without the ML??

Authors need to do better

xxkurokoxx created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

Spoilers ahead so be warned:

Apparently ML rapes the MC - I’m going to wait for Eng translated chapters and see what acc happens, but if this is true… the author messed up big time. Gonna give benefit of doubt for now, but it would make no sense for ML to rape the MC when he KNOWS the trauma MC has gone through. Literally destroys the very character of the ML - why would he do this when a couple chapters ago he was caring and taking care of the MC after he was raped by strangers?

Author better not disappoint. It’s so disgustin when authors go down the rape route to bring about drama and tension.

xxkurokoxx created a topic of Spilled Blood

They matched each other’s freak ig

xxkurokoxx created a topic of The Man Who Can't Taste

Jiho is absolutely in the wrong here, but Inwoo kissing him in the street ain’t right either.
See, if these 2 idiots communicated, they wouldn’t be in the situation they are in right now. Jiho thought he was helping the ML since ML lied about wanting to connect with his mom.

Jiho went too far tho - he should’ve told ML beforehand that he’s meeting with his mom, and offered him the choice to meet her or not. And then Jiho lying about their relationship, and handing over the flowers his boyfriend gave to his mom likely didn’t help Inwoo, as he’s already questioning and feeling insecure of Jiho’s love for him.

I think that’s why Inwoo chose to kiss him on that street. They’re both in the wrong and badly need to communicate honestly.

xxkurokoxx created a topic of Lee Seop's Romance

YOU KISSED HIM, HUGGED HIM, AND CONTINUED TO DO IT (yea he wasn’t really stopping, but he asked for her consent AND SHE COMSENTED) and NOW YOURE MAKING HIM CRYY??!?! MOVE GIRL I WANT HIM