frog May 29, 2021 7:49 pm

yeah, 8 eps in and i'm dropping this. it's sick how people think it's ok for him to be a sex slave. regardless of whether he was taken in, being forced into sex is never ok. wtf do y'all mean this is a good read. lol, bye.

    frog May 29, 2021 7:52 pm

    just because she showed him goodwill by taking him in doesn't justify the things she does

    lucia_luce June 1, 2021 6:10 pm

    I wonder who said that it's okay that he got forced into sex, this is not the only story with sex slave/concubine theme, there are a lot of others

    Not all story have perfectly good main characters, some of them have flaws, the female lead in this story is obviously written as a bad and villainous one since she's a tyrant emperor who murdered many people, making male lead as her concubine is one of her bad trait, no one said it's okay

    But well this is still a good read, most episodes of season 1 are boring for me, but i started to like the story since season 2, people can read a story about a psychotic murderer and think it's a good story without justifying the character's action

    The female lead is like that because she was educated wrongly by her mother, her mother used to tell her to try various men so she doesn't make a wrong choice in men, it's mixed with how her mother and the female lead herself were underestimated as women and almost got murdered because their people don't want female rulers, it motivated the female lead to conquer men, hurts them, and make them cry under her feet, it's a wrong reason/motivation that lead to wrong action, i don't think any reader justify this, and i'm sure the author will give character development and address the female lead's wrong view of men step by step

    lucia_luce June 1, 2021 6:20 pm

    Welp i found spoiler that FL not only get character development but also karma, so well there's a payback for what she did

    Nova1121 June 1, 2021 7:09 pm
    Welp i found spoiler that FL not only get character development but also karma, so well there's a payback for what she did lucia_luce

    Could you please explain what you mean by karma?

    Jaeyuh._ July 4, 2021 2:47 pm

    The story is really good! 8 chapters isn't enough you fucking bitch

    frog July 4, 2021 3:04 pm
    The story is really good! 8 chapters isn't enough you fucking bitch Jaeyuh._

    hmm, a fucking bitch? srsly? the story just goes against my morals. whatever floats your boat, ig.

    Jaeyuh._ July 4, 2021 3:07 pm
    hmm, a fucking bitch? srsly? the story just goes against my morals. whatever floats your boat, ig. frog

    Lmao sorry, I get really rude when people hate on beautiful stories like this one, I hope both of your pillow's sides are very hot :)

    Aho Fujoshi July 4, 2021 3:45 pm
    Lmao sorry, I get really rude when people hate on beautiful stories like this one, I hope both of your pillow's sides are very hot :) Jaeyuh._

    Wow passive aggressive..... I like you ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    frog July 4, 2021 4:23 pm

    look, i get that you enjoy the story, but the part where he's forced into sex just irks me. you said she gets character development then good for her, yeah? the rape-y part just stopped me cos i found it uncomfortable. as i said, whatever floats your boat but you're just being borderline disrespectful.

    mmm July 4, 2021 9:15 pm

    Nobody cares. If you base reading based off of 8 eps I don’t understand how you could’ve read or watched fucking anything lmao good luck with that.

    frog July 4, 2021 9:18 pm

    wow, people can be such assholes. i said whatever floats you guys' boats. i was just uncomfortable with the rape-y stuff that's why i didn't continue it anymore. but go ahead, be rude.

    mmm July 4, 2021 9:26 pm
    wow, people can be such assholes. i said whatever floats you guys' boats. i was just uncomfortable with the rape-y stuff that's why i didn't continue it anymore. but go ahead, be rude. frog

    I just said that assumptions about shows/books or whatever before you can get to the actual plot and if it has actually settled yet is stupid. I’m not being an asshole it’s just facts. If someone was watching your favorite tv show (this is not my fav) and they base that shit off of five minutes and don’t like it because of how the mc’s meet each other you would be iffy about it too.

    frog July 5, 2021 7:37 am

    i just wasn't comfortable, simple as that. idk why people need to be so mean. the rape-y stuff's just a sensitive topic for me.

    mmm July 7, 2021 1:41 am
    i just wasn't comfortable, simple as that. idk why people need to be so mean. the rape-y stuff's just a sensitive topic for me. frog

    Doesn’t mean you have to insult the work bb xxx

    Laeana July 14, 2023 2:54 pm

    I pretty much agree with you. I read the story to the end and I didn’t really enjoy it. The behavior at the beginning - not only forced sex but also the rest - just gave me a bad vibe right from the start and it made it difficult to enjoy their relationship afterward, even if I guess they both get development. It still doesn’t change the start and also a part of the end that was a bit off to me.

    Ana October 2, 2023 10:26 am
    The story is really good! 8 chapters isn't enough you fucking bitch Jaeyuh._

    everyone can give an honest opinion abt a manhwa it’s life go cry cause other ppl don’t agree with you stupid kid

    KOMA November 30, 2023 12:07 am
    The story is really good! 8 chapters isn't enough you fucking bitch Jaeyuh._

    Ur so fucking embarrasing, stfu please !! :D

    Jae November 30, 2023 3:40 pm

    NO WAY PEOPLE R STILL REPLYING TO A REPLY I MADE IN 2021. Welp, i dont even remember what it was abt but i apologize

frog May 29, 2021 2:48 pm

no because i had to scroll through the flashbacks so i wouldn't cry my eyeballs out :((

frog May 27, 2021 10:56 am

ok let's be fr here, doah was an asshole to woojoo so i'm pretty satisfied with how things are going rn. in a sense, it's retribution but at the same time, it's pretty realistic. it would've been sorta anticlimactic if things just went smoothly for doah after everything that's happened. but hey, cheers to his character development!!

frog May 21, 2021 7:51 am

yechan when he thought ham left: *sad tooting*

frog May 20, 2021 5:24 am

I knew the elf bitch was sus but I brushed it off because he was 'helping' them. Now I just want his head off. Nope, we are not having a backstory. Yep, let's just pretend the sad backstory doesn't exist and go on our jolly ways.

frog May 18, 2021 12:22 am

holy fuck, i can't even begin to explain what a massive piece of shit sky's mom and yeonduk's mom is. sky's mom is so fucking delusional like?? your husband left because he was CHEATING. why tf would you blame your son who, at the time, was suffering from his ADHD. also, it doesn't sit right with me that what yeonduk's mom did to him got glossed over. all of a sudden, she was just a plain old 'good' mother. she literally sold her son off to be a lackey of her so-called friend's son at such a young age. i mean, wasn't she disgusted going in and out of the spa for free in exchange for her son's constant abuse? she knew smth was up but she still tolerated it like?? are u ok miss ma'am?

frog May 12, 2021 11:35 am

rondelle, poor baby :((

frog May 11, 2021 5:46 pm

I'm so conflicted. I get that she wants revenge on the Emperor, but why is she dragging the entire kingdom down? All the innocent lives, all the people who tried their hardest to make a living, suffering under the jurisdiction of a kid made tyrant. And that's another thing as well. Why would she, in the name of revenge, use a child, make them kneel before her, and ruin their childhood all while brainwashing them to drag the kingdom down to its demise? If she wanted to take revenge, a coup d'etat would've sufficed, no? I hate how she leaves Dylan. She kept saying she lived for 400 years and yet she was oblivious of his feelings towards her?

    dagrandesibuna May 11, 2021 6:07 pm

    I agree that dragging the entire kingdom for her revenge was uncalled for, as her real enemy was the emperor and those who worked on the project. This said, it's not that she isn't aware of Dylan's feelings, she's choosing to ignore them. She knows he's obsessed with her as well, but for the sake of her revenge, she's ignoring them for now.
    And she leaves him for a whole different reason than "running away from his feelings", it's much bigger and imo it made sense... but that'd be a spoiler you see, so I won't say it.

    frog May 12, 2021 12:12 am

    Yeah, seeing as to how she told dylan to choose being obsessed, I think she got the gist of his feelings.

    Yaya888 May 12, 2021 2:17 am
    I agree that dragging the entire kingdom for her revenge was uncalled for, as her real enemy was the emperor and those who worked on the project. This said, it's not that she isn't aware of Dylan's feelings, sh... dagrandesibuna

    Pls do you know if this has a good ending

    dagrandesibuna May 12, 2021 3:33 am
    Pls do you know if this has a good ending Yaya888

    I do.

    It does!

    anonon May 12, 2021 10:12 am

    She's def a villain here- can't deny that. but at the same time I think its entirely understandable?

    If I were her... yah, I'm dragging that kingdom down with me to hell. In any case, whatever they feel (or don't feel, after they're dead) couldn't really top than being an inanimate object that could move, couldn't speak, and couldn't die for 400 years. Surprised she even has any empathy left.

    that being said, don't demolish entire kingdoms for your revenge, kiddos

    Yaya888 May 12, 2021 2:59 pm
    I do..............................It does! dagrandesibuna

    I would have stopped if it wasn't a happy ending thank youu

frog April 27, 2021 9:53 pm


frog April 27, 2021 1:01 am

if we don't get a side story for the black haired omega (i literally just finished reading a few seconds ago and i already forgot his name) and nagi, this won't be bussin

    mangalover April 27, 2021 7:36 pm

    it's Hairi....
    btw, i just finished reading this too hahhahaah
    i wish there was more. i'm glad there was a story of how they met

    frog April 27, 2021 9:54 pm

    i really hope they'll have a side story :((

    mangalover April 27, 2021 11:33 pm
    i really hope they'll have a side story :(( frog

    me toooooooo

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