the problem with buying manghwa is that Im not reading 1 or 2 stories, im reading like 30 stories at a time and I simply cannot afford to keep up with those stories legally. its like $2 a ch which that adds up real quick and I can't be spending hundreds on reading comics.
I would love to support the authors legally, but truthfully until there is a better more cost effective solution (such as a subscription based website, where you pay a monthly fee and you have access to everything) it aint gonna happen.
I understand the author, im just not sure that not posting here is really gonna help raise sales seeing as most everyone here doesnt wanna/can't afford to pay.
sucks that people posting about illegal sites is ruining it

Taejoo: "you don't understand!"
uhhhhhh actually Kwon understands everything to a T. Taejoo is the one who doesnt fully understand what he did and that's why it hurts to have his own careless actions thrown back in your face now. He doesnt even know the full extent of the consequences of those actions. mannnnn fuck Taejoo. I want Yoon to throw Taejoo's own words back in his face and tell him he wants nothing to do with him ever again

so Soohyun likes Daon, Daon likes Jaemin, and Jaemin likes Soohyun. Jaemin knows about Soohyun's feelings for Daon and about Daon's feelings for him, and Soohyun also knows about Daon's feelings for Jaemin. so in order to keep Soohyun close to him, Jaemin has been stringing Daon along, cuz as long as Daon has feelings for him and sticks close to him, Soohyun will also always be around Jaemin.
Basically Jaemin is the one who is toying with everyone. what an asshole

anyone else think its kinda an asshole move for hat guy to confess when he knows how his best friend feels? like his best friend is still trying to sort things out and his plan is to what, swoop in and date Hyung while he is going through shit? or now that he has realized he likes him fr to take hyung away before he has a real chance to confess
not a great friend

Oh come on.. i know how you feel but let's be a little bit considerate to him. Don't twist his words please. He's trying his best. Do you know how it feels to throw away your feelings just because you don't want your friendship to end? He knows that he's gonna get dumped by hyung yet he still did it so that the two will realize their feelings for each other. Let be patient and wait for what will happen next

I think you're seeing him as 'not gonna be endgame' that's why you're not seeing his pov. I would suggest you to re-read this chapter again w/o taking any sides. If you do, then you'll realise he's suffering too as much as the other two. It's just we're seeing more of the povs of other two. But lemme make his pov, he used to see mc as admiration he has for his hyung, until he knows ml likes mc. He gets to know that the feeling he has for mc is not admiration but liking/love. He knows both of them like each other, and even if he'll confess he will get rejected. He still got his courage, despite of the outcome that he wont be accepted. He knows that the mc's other sides which only ml has ever seen (and not him) and they're more close to each other, than him. And on the positive side, by accepting his feelings, he can move on by getting rejected and the other two (main couple) are taking their own feelings seriously as well. This might be (most likely to be) the turning point for them to be together. So i don't think he's any bad guy at all or even that was an asshole move. Taking chance or do something to get over someone is not bad thing at all. And he even tell his bestfriend about it and they both are not couple yet. So it's fair to him to confess as well.

I think that just cuz I don't agree with you doesnt mean I don't understand.
the fact of the matter is that no matter what his perceptions are, he has no guarantee that he will be rejected and basically play cupid for the other 2, especially with how the hyun rejected blondie so blatantly before.
your whole theory relies on him basically seeing the future and knowing what gonna happen before it happens. that is not realistic. Hyun could say yes to his confession in an attempt to distance himself from blondie or maybe say yes to try and move on, there is no way for him to be like "ah yes, I will confess and get rejected so that I can help my friend get with the person I like" not to mention he distanced himself from his best friend and told him "I am now your competition". also during this time his friend is going through a lot of shit with exams and sorting out his feelings so not really great timing to confess to the guy his best friend is in love with.
to be real for a second, do you think that if hyun said yes to his confession he would then be like "uhhh jk you're supposed to get with my friend"? cuz I don't.
I don't think he is a bad person, but this was a dick move. him confessing is not necessary to get hyun and blondie together. and as someone who has experience with a friend making a move on the person they knew I liked, it is a dick move.