Hikari created a topic of For the Musical Genius

to continue or something? :( All of my faves end prematurely when the novel still has much more content TT_TT

but he's fucking shit up so badly, stop it bro!!

Hikari created a topic of Beyond Memories

bc the dev said that Wezaemon shouldn't have been the first beaten. What rank would Ctarnid have?

within the system if he's already J?? really wondering how this will turn out

Hikari created a topic of The Godsend

Super cute, very heartwarming. And it's only a one shot so nobody has any excuse to not read it (trust me it's worth it)

she should have done that from the start. Letting him influence you to the point of you emotionally abusing children is just not forgivable. You're an adult, so act like it.

Hikari created a topic of I Will Change The Genre

why is that whole generation of people fucked in the head?? at least the kids came out relatively okay but that's despite their upbringing, not bc of these dumb asses

I dropped it around chapter 55 for some reason I don't remember and man it still hits the same! However, I feel like the last 20 or so chapters have been a bit all over the place, the story has so many different storylines at this point

if you need to, Soo-hyun, nothing wrong with that

both daring and cute hahahahaha

Hikari created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

aka, the only person to support them in both lifetimes???

give it the proper ending it deserves. There's definitely still some story left, but pleaaaase don't stretch it beyond what it needs to be!!

Hikari created a topic of Infinite Mage

and they don't see one crazy fucker 1) interfering, which they should notice and 2) pull the most nefarious expressions??

Hikari created a topic of Da Capo

in Korea at 61 chapters... I only found it yesterday and I'm already grieving the impending end of this great manwha lol!

to marinate will help me like it again... this whole convoluted arc is only tiresome and not interesting. This villain guy is so annoying

the mom's actions?? I get she was under a lot of pressure, but she is fully in control of her own actions, and if cutting contact with her dad is what she needed to do to be in her children's lives, then that's what she should have done :')