Id love this manwha if Kitty straight up just kills the cats. The shock factor would be perfect and I’m tired of seeing FLs do their long revenge plot for either some other character to kill them or just merely arrests them.
The ML carries the plot even in other people’s THOUGHTS.
Stayed for the twink panels, laughed at the pacing of the plot. They’d fight for two panels then serve face and body for three panels. A conflict would sometimes start and be solved within the span of the same chapter.
Respect the pure hatred from him. That’s next level dedication tbh.
I don’t understand the messaging of this manga, cause I feel like it wants me to root for the nobles in a society that is definitely feudalistic and capitalistic. Which makes the future of this manga kinda unpredictable.
In one instance, it can take a more basic route where the MC is a “good noble” and will be a noble that takes care of the peasants and keeps other nobles inline for the commoner interests. But that’s boring and is common for this genre so I hope they don’t do that.
Or they could be bold and have the MC try and uproot the system. I don’t know how tho cause I can’t see his father agreeing with him, and the society is so class bound that I can’t see him changing it without a decent amount of people having to be killed. I don’t know if the mangaka would have the balls to do that tho cause at times this feels like a light hearted read about two siblings then other times it just goes deeply politically.
So far it’s decent tho.
I understand that the MC had a terrible family and difficult life but, at this point she (I’m not even sure about the MC’s preferred pronouns as well cause they treat her gender so half-assedly) has a backbone built with sticks and glue.
There’s one thing to be scared of the family that hurt you and being scared of opening your heart. It’s another thing to not be able to rarely say no at ALL in 95 chapters. The growth is so minuscule and her new family is doing their best to support her but she’s written as this defenseless FL who can’t even just hurriedly leave the room when she says her asshole father down the hallway. Her father wasn’t even in grabbing distance she could’ve just exited the door cause it was right there.
My proudest moment of MC was when she put her foot down to her old childhood friend and said not to talk to her anymore. And now shes some messenger of God, I just don’t think that whole concept is necessary cause it brings in several other families to deal with when we haven’t handled the two from her past. Why couldn’t she have a talent of reading all languages and just leave it there.
Witch ex-machina went crazy plot wise. I don’t know why they didn’t just make her the goddess of the world.
I wish the witch and the granny got together. And is the granny gonna have her memories while she slides out her daughter’s coochie.
Dry people participating in dryer activities. They didn’t even go to a masquerade ball or luncheon, just nonstop birthday parties.
Was a light hearted and turn your brain off read. Wouldn’t read again but there’s worse of this genre out there.
1 day to 1 minute is a bit of an overkill. I could even understand 1 day to 1 hour but to a singular minute is insane.
I Really liked how this book handled familial grief and how they went into the time skip. She doesn’t just forget about her bio family while she’s with her adopted family and the same for the other characters.
Had to drop it after she started dancing with the prince. This girl wouldn’t be able to stand on business even if she got paid for it.
A story between high school boys who are childhood friends(Chapter 1 found in Cheri+ magazine, March...
- Author: SCARLET Beriko
- Genres: Romance / School Life / Yaoi
Very fluffy and sweet romance. Made me happy, no conflicts really just so sweet I had to go brush my teeth
Not gonna lie I had to spend a solid minute admiring her after that robe drop. Hue has good ass taste and if a bitch calls Lucia average looking, Hue needs to beat their ass IMMEDIATELY.
Domain Expansion “A little chat while going on a stroll”
What’s the point of them not being together. Seo, this man has ran up and down the city for you, rizzed your mom and has helped her get her life back together in Korea. Has twisted up your guts so you wouldn’t overthink your way into a next bad decision.
I understand why the u@3 is hesitant, but it’s been a 100 fucking chapters. They are adults, well established adults. I just feel like it’s pointless to be stalling this relationship cause I’d rather them get together then have a lovers spat later on. Like ATLEAST get together now, and both of you go do some work in a progressive nation, get a citizenship there then get married!!!!
- Author: Ede akizawa
- Genres: Shoujo / Fantasy / Romance / Villainess Fantasy Romance Villainess
Pretty Solid read, at chapter 26 nothing much has happened as yet but it has a unique story building and it’s one of the few cases where the FL completely downgrades in power. And the FL and the ML have a realistic dynamic that fits their situation.
He has to be ONE of the most overconfident but swagged out ML in this entire genre. This man’s outfits cleans the plate and eats DOWN, the way he protects the FL isn’t just a ‘I’ll deploy everyone to fight for you’ but straight up ‘I will fight this battle for you, even if I lose cause I can’t live longer than you!’
He is one of the FEW ML’s that loves his son, like a genuine love and not a mini copy of him that needs to be his heir and the kid has to get his love from only the FL. Honestly, I feel like I’m glazing him tf up but he’s genuinely in my top 5 MLs for this genre cause I respect this man.
Found out his son was being abused and didn’t pull some sob story out his ass about he was neglected so he knew no better. He apologized, he did his shit to the ppl that abused his son and fucking slayed fixing that mess!!! And he’s not some cold ass ML which has no depth, we’ve seen him be genuinely embarrassed in the beginning when he thought the handkerchief was for him and not the kid.
And this man redeemed himself by straight up seducing the FL and rizzed his way to her HEART. And they show his attitude being one where he’s not some all knowing being who knows everything and we’re suppose to feel bad for him (hate this troupe as it’s just so common.) Nah, he ain’t know SHIT at the beginning, but it showed him using his Duke powers and figuring out stuff himself in a detailed way that makes sense. (When he went to the Mage tower himself as an example and didn’t wait for the solution to drop in his lap.)
And lastly, the author has my props too, when they did all of this without continuously showing us a backstory to justify all the character actions. I personally feel like the author wrote it in a way for us to sometimes connect the pieces even with the side character actions (when the red haired knight didn’t like the FL, I think his reasoning behind that was justified.) And developed both the ML and FL as characters without having to constantly use flashbacks or develop them upon each other stories like a Jenga game (as in all their developments are based solely on interactions between them, if that wording makes sense.)
So yeah, this a manwha improved the longer I read it and I no longer considered it as the manwha with the pointy noses but instead a BAMF family.
Tbh, if I was translating and saw those two shitty ass names, I’d be doubting my eyes. Cause the author really flipped at random through an English dictionary for four words, and smashed them together.