Lulu created a topic of Jinx

I hope nothing corny and predictable happens like the Grandma dies and Jae is person to comfort Dan. That just seems too easy for Jae to get back into the good graces of Dan.

Lulu created a topic of Jinx

Someone get dan a puppy! he needs a therapy dog

Lulu created a topic of Jinx

Damn... read the new chapter and I was kinda hoping Grandma was already dead and Dan was living a happier life. Im sorry grandma but its time for you to fly to the sky (/TДT)/ . She only causes Dan pain and anxiety.

Okay gurl you know the future now pleasee try and do something to change it! My heart wont make it if the spoilers I read are true!!! Please nooooo (/TДT)/

Lulu created a topic of Under the Oak Tree

wait why would they split up!???

Lulu created a topic of Lucia
Lulu created a topic of Betrayal of Dignity

Well she sure forgave his ass fast

Lulu created a topic of Into the light once again

I read this all in 2 nights and Im obsessed! Aisha's growth has me emotional. I just love the relationship Aisha has with Isis. I love them. My only complaint is I kinda wish her reunion with Arsen was even more emotional! MORE TEARS AND HUGS! I anticipated their reunion so much and it was ...okay? Its like he got over the trauma of 14+ years of believing his best friend was murdered... really fast. Anyway, I can feel the climax happening sooon! AHHH! I need this Marianne bitch to go down!!!

Lulu add manga to list My faves

I was falsely accused of attempting to kill my younger sister, who was worshipped as a Saintess.Ther...

  • Author: 티카티카,유야
  • Genres: Webtoons / Shoujo / Fantasy / Historical
Lulu created a topic of Jinx

Since Dan sent money im assuming he got a new job. PLEASE let it be a job where hes happy and people treat him right! PLEASE (/TДT)/

Lulu created a topic of Jinx

Ch 45 is when Dan originally gives the gift, and damnnnn rereading it breaks my heart. Jae's such an asshole. He better grovel on the floor to Dan!!!!

Lulu created a topic of Jinx

I wonder what Dan's debt was if $1.5k is pocket change

Lulu created a topic of Jinx

Can we just delete all the repeated censored chapters? Does anyone actually prefer the censored over uncensored?

I kinda wish regardless of giving birth, I wish they were known as 2 dads. Callng Hyesung 'Auntie' feels weird

Lulu created a topic of Jinx

Theres no way Dans garbage can hasnt been cleaned after all these months

Lulu created a topic of Jinx

For my homies that bought the chapter like myself, I HOPE WE SEE DAN NEXT CHAPTER! But also theres no way his garbage can wasnt cleaned out after how many months??? Also what was the 'to be ho---'? To be honest....? To be homo?

Lulu created a topic of Jinx

Omg wheres 39 uncensored?!