IF I HAD TO PREDICT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT. Dan passes out. JK picks him up and puts him to sleep somewhere. When Dan wakes up hes shocked pushes JK away, and tells him to leave but JK refuses. Grandma dies and JK is there to comfort Dan, which unfortunately will make Dan think a bit more positively of JK. JK says theres nothing left to do in this town and says Dan should move back with him to Seoul.
I actually hope none of this happens tho LOL.
So if everyone in the family is full Klawn but Shelina is half, does that mean incest was involved?? o__o
Her mother was a commoner and Sherina was conceived out of wedlock. She’s half noble, half commoner, that’s what they mean
How was incest even included in your options
Wouldn't fully klaun might mean both the parents were klown and so it might be incest
But why for sherina
What Sherina is a Klaun, it's just she's an illegitimate child making her half Klaun and half commoner since her mother is a commoner. If shes a full Klaun, she would be a legitimate child (meaning the parents got married) with noble blood from both parents.
They have such an amazing imagination.
I was joking obviously
I know all this