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Manuel_Hera created a topic of Murim Login

Sooo, spells in Murim, huh? Is he finally going to raise that intelligence stat of his or? Two seasons and not a word about what it does, or rather, how useful it would be in a martial arts world (since Qi is improved only by elixirs and special methods, if I remember correctly). The closest thing to "spells" I know by reading martial arts stories are "formations". But that hasn't been a thing in this story. I'm pretty curious, I think he has like 30+ bonus points to int (and charm), but no benefit has ever been mentioned. Anyway, I hope the Fire King has an epiphany (like the Sword Saint) or at the very least does not die, lol. I really like their dynamic and I think there's plenty of room for him to grow as well (since he hasn't completely mastered the Scorching Clan's martial arts).