Yes we need the officials. People like me that only read the officials have been waiting patiently and finally glad it's here. So, yeah let us enjoy the officials while you lot wait for a year for the officials to catch up!
Yes we need the officials. People like me that only read the officials have been waiting patiently and finally glad it's here. So, yeah let us enjoy the officials while you lot wait for a year for the officials... FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS!
normally this would be a fair point but in this case, the fan translations are extremely good and official worthy. They are clearly fluent in both Korean and in English so waiting for officials doesn't really make sense.
Yes we need the officials. People like me that only read the officials have been waiting patiently and finally glad it's here. So, yeah let us enjoy the officials while you lot wait for a year for the officials... FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS!
Well different preferences ig, for me when there's alrd a good fan trans, waiting for officials will just increase the guilt of reading it for free lol. Occasionally buying one or two chaps when I have to read officials because of bad trans
Well different preferences ig, for me when there's alrd a good fan trans, waiting for officials will just increase the guilt of reading it for free lol. Occasionally buying one or two chaps when I have to read ... SpriteSoGood
"Only one or two", no money for more. To support the artist
This cute, fluff and all but the fact that orange kid have a sad background ALSO THE ORANGE PUPPY TOO. LIKE HIS MOM N SIBLINGS DED PEOPLE, DEAD. idk what did orange colour do to the artist but man, i wanna cry everytime they show orange dream or shits o==[]::::::::::::::::>
Someone please tell me im not the only one that noticed the blood on rafael hand magically disappeared in the panel where he had his right hand on louis's shoulder?????
I've forgotten who's who but ofc i remember baam and khun. Do i need to reread? I don't really want to go through cecil or grace or whatever that blonde ponytail bitch name hating phase again. Better not remember her than remember and going through an endless hating.
I Appreciate juju for giving officials on other manhwas though but not tis one jujuuuu