Honestly I didn't like that the blonde brother and grandpa didn't acknowledge they neglected her to the point she was so depressed she killed herself. They said nothing about it in terms of apologies, and I don't like how the grandpa said he is doting on her more now, only because she is helping them save money, not because he has grown affection for her due to a non monetary reason. The green haired brother at least brought it up so I give him some credit for that, but still. They saw the bruises on her wrist and didn't say sorry. Except the green haired one. I hoped they would but because they didn't acknowledge their own faults and just toss it to the side like it never happened I can't seem to have any liking for them, it's disappointing because I enjoy this story then remember the brother and grandpa never once said sorry for the pain she endured for over a year while they went a long their way
I do get your point. I truly do and agree in most cases. However in this one the Og wasn't neglected by her family or some bull reason like being a bastard or something like most mcs. Instead her personality and behavior pushed her family away enough that that woman could take advantage of it. I'm not victim blaming her for the abuse. She didn't deserve it even with her personality. But that did influence on them not believing her. Just look how easily they believed her after mc possessed her and acted "normal" while accusing her.
Besides. The Og had a log of psychological problems. From her inferiority complex to anger management. She needed medical help. And as much as os said that those people need their family support what's not said is how hard it is to be there.
So yeah, she deserves an apology but the reason she doesn't really blame them is because she knows it wasn't all their fault. But that's just my view on it...
Thank you for the reply, I agree with some of this for sure I think another part of the reason she doesn't blame them is due to not being the original sienna and personally experiencing it since she took over so she separates herself from what had happened. I agree she definitely did have anger and psychological issues, and at this time I understand completely that in the time period the author is making this that the knowledge regarding it is so little in comparison to today. However, in my opinion that doesn't change the fact that I do still think she was neglected. She was neglected to the point that they paid no mind to her bruises they said they saw, the rage she held within her, and I saw no evidence of them trying to either understand her, or even ask her simply what was wrong. From what we've seen they just ended up ignoring her, since as the green haired brother said, he saw the bruises but thought it was self harm. If they asked about it even once, maybe they would have realized. I do see your point in why they lost faith in her and I agree her attitude by no means helped in that area, but it seems she didn't try to tell them what happened in the first place since she was probably too scarred. This is of course simply my opinion, and I respect yours and agree with a number of things you said, thank you again for the reply I appreciate seeing others perspectives to see how they view something differently and discussing it! And please do let me know if there was a time where they hadn't believed her before besides her changing because sadly I can't recall and would love to know, thank you!
For all the extra work she has done and the crimes she has solved and lives she has saved im very surprised they haven't given her either a rank increase, a work title change, or bonus in pay. I underdtandy her position is low, but after all she has done jinshi should at least thank her for saving his life at the very least in my opinion, and some reward should be given to her after all of this.
Yeah being a woman during these times would be terrifying, im just surprised she didn't even get a bonus in pay even once for all that she's done, it wouldn't be giving her a new title it'd be showing that they appreciate her saving jinshis life or figuring out the salt incident which killed someone, or anything. Im sure jinshi at the least knows how valuable she is as a person, he comes to her often with questions and seeking help for things the palace is lacking in or they can't fully see the picture of, I would have thought he at the very least would have given her a bonus if not money then gifted her a special herb she likes or something. Anything.
So im confused about something in the spoilers...
So there ends up being a big brawl and our mv gets stabbed. Im wondering if when our mob boss said he had a bait, was he using our mc as bait? How else did he arrive right on time? Honestly I can't think of anything or anyone else as bait since our sweet mc is who they went for. And if so. I hope our mc finds out. And gets the hell away from him. How dare he use this innocent guy who didn't even make the debt in the first place, there are a number of characters who have dont things to upset me and our mc doesn't deserve any of this, he's way too kind for the world.
My question is why was akatsuki allowed to remain a party and move to another branch after extorting and stealing and leaving one of their members to die due to their own greed? I'm sorry but are there no laws? No penalty? Sure they had some failures because they suck, but that was them being bad at what they do it means they still got jobs. No penalty? And she gets nothing back from them that they stole? What the fuck kind of messed up system is this that allows someone whose qn adventurer not even a really high ranked one just leave humans for dead when its their job to protect them.
Does anyone have the raws they wouldn't mind sharing?