18 yr old girl, I had been interested in ‘shipping’ since I was 12 (cough cough 1D phase) but the first yaoi I ever watched Junjou romantica out of curiosity only to want to read the manga of it, which lead me here lmao only to then spend majority of my high school years reading manga (probably should’ve spent more time studying lmao). But de...... reply
Sup I’m happy, 17, and I’m p big into the yaoi game u kno what I mean, (and yuri too ️) I can try and contribute weird drawings and crying and like 5 am while reading yaoi. Also I have a knock knock joke book so pls endure amazing jokes. reply
Hey I'm from New Zealand ️
My names Happy (not my real name, just a nickname broken from a nickname, if that makes sense lmfao), im female and 16. I like pretty much anything, though I mostly come here for yaoi and yuri lol, unless I find something else. *^^ I'm all for chats, since I like talking to new people (despite it also being terrifying...... reply