I've read this a few times now and it is still one of my favourites. The slow build up and transition of their relationship was done pretty well if you ask me. I also like everyone's characters and think they make sense and are not unrealistic or jarring. For example, the sister could have been someone who loved and obsessed over her brothers relationship but it went the other way which I like because it shows that just because she likes BL, doesn't mean she wanted it to affect her life (at least at the beginning anyway). Fumi's insecurity was another topic that the manga frequently addressed and of course it would have been great if he was full of confidence and found the perfect way to handle each problem but unfortunately that wasn't the case. I liked seeing him evolve and begin to trust Shunpei more. I also loved their relationship's progression more than anything. The fact that their first time wasn't a magical experience was something I found pretty interesting too. I like it when I find unexpected realism in mangas like this. Of course, it's not perfect and there are parts I like more than others but I'd still give it a 5/5 easily.
(I would say more but this is already a lot longer than I wanted it to be) :P

I'm getting addicted to these cheesy, crazy named mangas. They started off like starters before the main course but they could end up becoming main course material. Crazy, I know but they have too many pros. Funny, smutty, contains an appropriate amount of feels and generally, they are updated quickly.

I actually don't want them to get together, despite the story literally forcing them together. I'm more interested to see where it will go with Cain but I suspect he's just there as a jealousy prop (which is sad).
I'm not usually this negative but I just hate Jooin's character. Way more than Yahwi's. I don't feel sorry for him at all. I guess I should but he knew what it was between them. He just hoped it was/would be something more and now he acts so heartbroken like there was a strong love connection between them.

Are they going with he didn't know that his twin is involved? I mean Jiho even said, I saw you kiss someone. Unless for some reason he doesn't know about his twin (which would be quite interesting). So unless I've missed something, he either knows his twin could be involved but didn't say anything, doesn't think his twin is involved (for some reason) or doesn't know about him (which regardless of how cool it sounds, is unlikely). Seriously though, they can't just make him say " I didn't kiss anyone Jiho... but I know who it could have been."
Dr Han, you got some explaining to do! Honestly though, part of me wants them to take a break for a while rather than just getting back together after talking cos I feel like Hyuk needs some time to process things and Dr Han needs to understand the consequences of manipulating Hyuk and having a relationship with him on his own terms. Ultimately, I want them to get back together but they both have to learn from this (mostly Dr Han though).
100% agree