Well, at first I hope Mr Han would fall in love with Yoon but later he did an awful lot of things that ticks me by sleeping around selling his assヽ(`Д´)ノ. So, the ending is what I think he deservd for treating people's life like a toy ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Oh yeah, I still really hope Yoon and Han would be a couple
We gonna see someone pregnant in this volume ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
Chapter 13:
Tumblr post:
imgur post
https://t.umblr.com/redirect?z= https%3A%2F%2Fimgur.com%2Fa%2Fa7ihRKF&t=YWFmMDUxZTFlM2UyNzVlN2MzNTdjNjg1Y2MwOTA0Y2Q0YzgzNmZkMSwxMTkwYmFhNGNlMjg2YWUzYmU4OGNjNTA3MmQ4ZWJmZjRjOGEzYzhl
Chapter 14:
Tumblr post:
imgur Post:
https://t.umblr.com/redirect?z= https%3A%2F%2Fimgur.com%2Fa%2FQGvPyv6&t=NzQyM2M4YTg5MWNkNzQ4OTUxYTk1YTk2MDc0OTA0NjBhMWUwM2IxNyxiNjUwNGRmZDJkYzUxNDI4MzY4YTA3MmZlNTZiNTlhNmU3NWI1MDIz
Chapter 15:
Tumblr Post
Imgur post:
https://t.umblr.com/redirect?z= https%3A%2F%2Fimgur.com%2Fa%2FpLJvZxt&t=Njg0ZWUwZDk5ZDRjNDA0MzYzODY2Y2ZiNzUxNjgzMDkxNTk0MzUxOCxjMDA4N2YxNzhkZmMxZTg3N2U5NWI4ZWY5MGU0ODAyYWFlNjA0Y2Jh
Go and thank her and her friend for al their hard work please and thank you!!!
I know it's the last omegaverse but I hope that they still can make babies. Since his alpha trait has reduced, he cannot passed on the alpha to the children or something like that. Haahhhhh. I'm not cool with the ending (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜