mushroom's experience ( All 0 )

mushroom's answer ( All 5 )

uke: "what if someone sees us?" *they almost get caught do the dirty* seme: "do you like knowing people can see you, look how much came out fufu"   3 reply
22 05,2020
aha i got alpha ;))) wheres my omega lmao T-T   reply
07 05,2020
hey i changed my username from mmmmbeanz to puhjxz sorry for the confusion haha   reply
13 04,2020
hi uh my discord is : mushroom#3198   reply
30 03,2020
infp-a / infp-t mediator (・o・)   reply
30 03,2020

mushroom's question ( All 2 )

hEy— you wanna talk about our favorite yaoi? cats? literally anything? tHen foLloW mE oN iNstAgRam @mmmmbeanz

also don't forget to drop ur usernames dowN here so i can check you guys out and become best budddz— !
( ◜‿◝ )♡

(mY god that was cringey,,,, but i need friends so please don't mind haha)
30 03,2020
hEy— you wanna talk about our favorite yaoi? cats? literally anything? tHen foLloW mE oN iNstAgRam @mmmmbeanz

also don't forget to drop ur usernames dowN here so i can check you guys out and become best budddz— !
( ◜‿◝ )♡

(mY god that was cringey,,,, but i need friends so please don't mind haha)
30 03,2020

People are doing

want to do how are u guys doing in school

September 4th, 8:30 am, lab. I do not want to be reminded of this.

1 hours
did how are u guys doing in school

incoming freshie on august 19. I just know that I'll already be breaking down on the first day.

9 hours
did how are u guys doing in school

not yet enrolled and my class starts at Aug 5, what do u think? HAHA

10 hours