honestly i stopped reading a while ago, it was paining me too much. i read spoilers a while ago and it seems i came right at the point the spoilers described. drat. at least i avoided the yvonne comeback arc, was Not in the mood for that bullshit. i was right abt kallisto, mans is rlly the only one giving. the fact that the dad and the pink haired brother are having inklings of a redemption arc (or at least learning their lesson, regardless of penelope accepting apologies or forgiving them) is awesome too.
not surprised abt derrick, brainwashed or not hes terrible. if he even tries to alleviate his guilt by talking to penelope when she wakes up (right? spoilers said she will) i will blow a gasket. i want him to stew in it for the rest of his life. he doesnt get to ever ever EVER. alleviate his guilt. he should die knowing he fucked everything up, carry that feeling to his grave. the least he deserves.
zero opinion on yvonne, maybe cuz i skipped all the parts she was around. sorry i dont care abt her.
one thing i find interesting is that everyone alr saw penelope drink out of her goblet and not die the first time. so for her to boldly be like “our goblets are switched” and then drink and die… like surely the guests and the family aren’t dumb. i don’t remember exactly how dumb everyone is, but surely 2+2 = clearly a ploy by yvonne to frame penelope again. anywho. pls cast yvonne away, throw derrick out too, and let penelope live w the prince happily ever after. the duke and pink haired brother can visit.