ur BROTHER was the one who came on to Dojin so kick them both out like wtf. Bruh like we were all roting for you like im so pissed, and I bet Dojin is just going to leave without getting anrgy about it, but that just making me more mad like this shit is blowinggggggggggggg me, and his ass is probably gay to with his annyoning ass. And I really thought he was just going to ask when they started and supported them like a loving brother but noooooooo he wants to be a DICK
Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

TBHHHH like wtf the main line is so fucking dumb to me I would have beat his ass dont be talking about my baby like that. She just sitting there like wtf, fuck that job and everything go beat that pigs ass. Im so heated, its really making me mad that shes just sitting their, like do SOMETHING anything. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Yall just need to shut up, and notice that everyone in this story is fucked up. As soon as somone seems right their not, im pretty sure everyone in this story has fucked up shit going on. At first i didnt care about seth at all, he could die and ill be fine with that but after a couple chapters and reading his backstory I think its 50/50. Like everyone betrayed him, he had to have sex with his brother for his "son". his wife cheated on him with his brother.
And I also think when he was getting raped by the hawk guy, it wasnt really him I think it was the dad, bc that wasnt right.
when chris pulled out that gun, i screamed like yesssssss kill that bitch
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