Some certain webtoons are so blurry I can't read them, but if I use my sister's phone it's perfectly clear. I know it's not the quality of the webtoon then, but I just don't know what to do about it.
Has anyone ever experienced this problem? If you did and have found a resolution please tell me. Thanks
Hey, this isn't manga related at all but I figured since this community is so diverse it would be good to ask this. I'm a senior in high school not really having any clue on what I want to be. For those in college or already working what made you want to do what you do, and what classes did you take?
Thank you for any feedback (=・ω・=) Just a really clueless almost college student here.
It took 3 career changes (4yrs )but I think I am happy where I am at now. Since middle school I decided I would be in the medical field, then from there's I went to physical therapy, and now I study languages for interpretation and translation.
I want to study languages.Can you give me some advice?
It never ends, you know. It doesn't end even if you've graduated from university. Heck, I've graduated from medical school and I still don't know what kind of doctor I want to become. What I'm saying is, you're going to constantly have to think about what you want to do in life. Till you graduate and work you're still going to have to make decisions like that. What you have to do is think about the kind of work you could bear with the most til you retire. Good luck!
I'm a second-year psychology major. Psychology is a challenging subject, but it is an extremely interesting discipline. Of course, there are multiple branches of psychology. Some of them include Organisational Psychology, Child Psychology, Developmental Psychology etc. My aim is to become a developmental psychologist.
Another thing to keep in mind while considering psychology is whether you want to go into academia or practice. In Academic psychology, you conduct research on questions related to your specified field of psychology; while working as a university professor. (You'll need a PhD to proceed with this career path). As a practising psychologist, you can become a clinical psychologist and work in a clinical setting, either at a hospital or start a practice of your own. (I read that it's advisable to work a few years in an established professional setting, for the sake of experience, before opening your own clinic.
I've also been told by my professors that holding a degree in psychology doesn't necessarily mean that you have to work as a psychologist. You can utilise your knowledge in psychology in other fields such as HR, Marketing, Advertising etc. Hope this helps! (=・ω・=)
I'm 3rd year a Wildlife major with a minor in psychology. I was originally majoring in biomedical science with an emphasis on pre-veterinary studies but I hated it. Initially I considered going to veterinary school but I disliked all the science heavy classes and electives so I changed my major. Changed it to wildlife studies because even though I may not go to vet school, I want to pursue a career related to animals. Also the wildlife department at my school has a ton of animal behavior courses, all of which I've loved so far. I decided to minor in psychology because it only requires me to take 3 extra classes and I had planned to take a few psychology classes anyway.
Well first think what you like doing, then think of any jobs that allow you to do what you like doing.
For example, drawing. Artist, designer, those are all the careers i can think about. Then think about what you do in becoming like in this case a designer, maths could be one since you sometimes have to measure a body shape or something, art is a must, textiles, uhh history perhaps if you like want inspiration or something, and I think that's about it.
Though if you like planning for example, you could become an event planner, secretary I think, and their are others too. For both, you'll need to focus on maths and english for planning things out and grammar, geography as you can study about the weather, and more.
Hope this helps!
P.S. That's how I got my idea of what I want to be
Dunno if I can really help as a french but I'll tell anyway ^^
I highschool ("lycée") I was in the scientific section (biology, physics/chemistry, mathematics) I had no idea about what to do. I was lind of fed up with school at that time, so I looked for a short diploma ("DUT", 2 years), because I knew that if I had good grades, when graduating this DUT, I could either work or go to another school to continue my studies.
I chose a DUT in health, safety and environment because the department's people were nice when I visited... (don't look at me like that)
I the end I was the major so I decided to go to and engineer school (+3 years).
I saw there was a school (in the same field as my DUT) where studying abroad is part of the cursus, and I chose to go there.
I'm currently in my first year, have to look for an internship and still have no idea of how I got there lol
Thank you for the advice
Hahah this might be pretty obvious but when It comes to college depends what u want to do , like earn lots of money, or have fun, or make some kinda impact, or know about something etc, then just have to find a course which allows u to do that thing. Also depends on what things ur good at or what u could be good at, but that's not so much of a limitation now as it will be in the future cos whn were younger apparently its easy to learn new stuff so long as we work hard at it :D.
Haven't read such a cute shoujo manga in a while. Nothing on the cringe department. Love how they're so honest with their feeling for one another. So sweet, simple and heart warming uWu