First, I really enjoyed the story- it was touching, humorous, and left me eager for more. I was, however, a little disappointed with the entirety of the Hime's mother's character (though Kudo's mom was a close 2nd in horribleness). Now we knew from the start that Hime's mom was a bitch but, even at the end, when the author could have come up with a somewhat plausible excuse for her acting like that, all we got was a crappy "she wanted to be an idol's mom". The only thing worse than a parent who treats one child like crap and the other well, is a parent who pushes his or her dream unto the child. Miraculously, Hime's mom is a lot of both.
Great story, mostly likeable characters, and an all around enjoyable shoujo but the mother really left a bad taste in my mouth. Really wished there had been some final confrontation scene or something...

I know what you mean...I guess it just felt weird for a mangaka to bring the character back up again and, instead of showing a genuine reason for her actions or some kind of resolution, just told us "she wanted to be an idol's mom" and a few tears. It seemed extremely rushed and like a cop out considering the MC's main motivation was to be a daughter worth loving. I just felt like it could have been handled better (or not at all) tbh. But I'm probably just being nitpicky

Maybe there were circumstances in the past (probably about her unknown father) but yeah you are right, but i will forgive the mangka if i were you, cause i was very touched with producer yamada's relationship with Hime and Shiro. It felt like he was a parent figure to her. If we're talking about parents here then we should just accept Yamada-san as her father figure and someone who cares for her. And we know nothing I've said made any close relation to what you guys have said, but i really just wanted to say it.
I love Yamada-san!!

Now I'm not sure how many of you know of or have played duck, duck, goose, but this manga really reminded me of it somehow. I felt like the first four volumes were repetitive events that amounted to nothing (the duck, duck, duck part) and in volume 5/6, the author finally landed on a plot she could develop!...Unfortunately, she let the repetitive damsel-in-distress routine play on a little too long and ended up not having the time or page limit to fully hash out what could have made for an interesting plot!
There were just so many questions left unanswered/avenues left unexplored that I feel dissatisfied! What was this "organization" that popped up in the last volume and why was the mastermind so evil but loving towards his son? What was Akira's role in all of this/his power? What actually happened that week? So many unanswered questions!

You know, I've read plenty of girl travels back in time/to a distant land stories, but this one had by far the most realistic set up behind it and super relatable characters. Now that's not to say I didn't love Red River, Daughter of the Nile, and other stories with a similar plots but this story just had a lot of points that made me think "oh yeah, it probably would be like that, wouldn't it?" or "I'd do that too if I were her."
Case in point: the MC arrives in a completely new land and, upon meeting Izark, realizes she doesn't know the language. What happens next? The main character doesn't magically gain powers to speak the language, nor has she studied it enough to be perfectly fluent. She decides to learn the language; she takes her time, improving word by word until she can communicate as well as anyone else. I just found that to be such a simple choice for the author to make that really made a wold of difference.

Is it just me or does the story seem to jump around a bit? I feel like we're shown new characters without proper introduction/I still don't really get why Mahiro's cousin went from loving her to wanting to kill her. I get the thing about his sister but...we never actually saw his response to it all (or even how it was treated) so it all seemed a bit poorly thought out I guess? Also, the characters claim they won't attack Mahiro in school but do so 2 chapters later. It's a confusing, jumbled mess!
I don't really know what it is about this manga but something just feels off..like I've been hanging by a thin thread of comprehension since chapter 1.

mahiro? you mean mashiro? (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

This mangaka is really the master of nonsensical drama, huh? For one thing, there was that whole thing where she claimed he mistook her for someone else for way too long and with such intensity that it didn't make sense. She never actually listened to his memories to know for sure, but just stubbornly insisted he was wrong for no reason. Wouldn't any semi rational person consider that they might not remember the other person/they could have changed? And then don't even get me started on the way it was resolved. Can you say anti-climactic?
Oddly enough, I could have dealt with that if chapter 3 didn't suddenly throw in some rando guy who literally started a love triangle 8 pages in. It didn't even seem like there was any attempt to make his character make sense; the author just needed more drama and he provided it I guess.

I disliked just about everything about this manga! (first story). The MC cried every other page which was somewhat annoying as half the time there wasn't a sufficient explanation for why she felt the need to cry! But, even worse, was the lack of emotional development? Presence? The author seemed to drag out really pointless parts but rushed through scenes that could explain what the characters were feeling. Ex: the fight lasted 1 page but we saw the crybaby main character act sad over the fight for 10 pages. And then, out of nowhere, the male lead says he loves her. What? How? There was literally no indication of that, especially since he hates girls crying. Honestly, the lack of depth in this manga made it painful to read...

Somehow Yaya just really pisses me off. Naiveté and spinlessness must have a limit, right?!!! Apparently not; she just takes whatever anyone throws at her and then hates herself afterwards. Tbh, I wouldn't have minded all that much if Nana just took over forever but I know that wasn't the point of the manga. It's about self-acceptance and the changes that can come from it and blah blah blah. It's just a little hard to like someone who only knows how to be a doormat.
Gotta wonder what Moriyama saw in her, especially considering what his ex was like (maybe he was looking for a girl exactly opposite her?)

Gaah, I completely agree with you! I'm Nana bias too. I hate how she weren't view as a person at all, but just a mere subconscious of yaya even though she have just as much power as yaya. It would have been nice if Nana have her own love story but I guess that would create a whole other drama about love triangle. Moreover, If you think about Nana x Moriyama, Nana would have love Moriyama just as much as yaya but to know that he don't even love her that way and he only want to confess to yaya is kinda sad.

I'm not sure how I feel about this manga. The plot setup is fun (not original but fun) but it's been done better in several other mangas. The characters seem interesting but, in the end, we don't see much development from them other than the fact that the MC starts to like the male lead.
There's potential for a good story but, rather than using different scenes to show how the male's feelings for the MC advanced, the author keeps repeating the same 4 panels of her covering him with the umbrella and telling him to come to her house. Did he actually go to her house, btw? We don't know how he felt ending up in the same class as her (it could have been on purpose since he was "watching her") or how he came to find out about her debt.
Even in chapter 4, her rival did an about face instantaneously, but we weren't shown enough background on the rival to support the sudden change of heart. Literally, one page she says she doesn't want to live poor like her mother and the next she's happy that her mother's keepsake was saved. We don't get to see any of the relationship between the girl and her mother to suggest that she actually really cares about her. So it just seems like she changed her mind on a whim rather than out of actual character development.
And that's what I mean by shallow; the author plants the seeds of typical shoujo situations, and expects us to go along with it just because it's been done that way before. But without any elaboration on these situations, it's like she's just copy pasting any generic story formula.
Has the most insane characters! It makes me wonder if Korean society is just more intense overall because the characters' emotions and actions are all so extreme! It was a really good story, though, especially since it didn't drag on way longer than it needed to (only a little bit). One of my favorites from this author!
LOL.... Totally agree with you.....don't think I'll reread this story even tho I liked it.