You know what's funny? I've tried reading this story at least 3 times and just can't stick with it at all! I don't know what it is- I just completely lose interest around the time she meets the pretty boy playing the zither (or was it a flute? Some instrument...). Prior to that point, it wasn't really a BAD novel, though the MC was annoying.
Maybe one day when I have nothing to do I'll try again, and hopefully finish it this time.
I think she's the typical girl that Hwang Mi Ri uses in her stories. Her girls are generally rude and not very intelligent. If Hwang doesn't really make ur type of stuff then its okay. Tbh you pretty much gotta like her work from the beginning if you want to be able to get through it cas nothing really changes from start to end.
For any of y'all who consider the New Year special, if you did (or could) christen 2016 with a manga of your choice, what would it be and why?
For me, I'm glad I re-read Diamond Life first this year, even if I didn't intend to, because it really sends a message that hard work can overcome even the most difficult obstacles. And, as this year is looking to be quite a doozie for me with finishing grad school/job searching/potentially moving across the country, I really need a self-confidence boost right now!
Well,It's not really a manga but an anime movie.(≧∀≦)
It's called 5 mm per second.
I love this one.(๑•ㅂ•)و✧
For me,everyday is a new opportunity to better yourself and to always to cherish the people that loves and cares for you. If not a person,then maybe your pet cat or dog.
I remember all the times that I cried.I laughed.I got very angry.I got very jealous.I envied.I loved.I got heartbroken.I got fat (no kidding!) in the last 20 years of my life.
I learned quite a few things.(▰˘◡˘▰)
I think personally, it is a waste of energy to try and change the past but instead I focus to move forward.For tomorrow.For my future.
Needless to say,learn from the mistakes.Do not give up.If you feel alone,don't.There's like a whole world waiting for us out there.To make our mark.
Move on from all the hatred and pain.
And...that's a wrap!
Thanks for sharing and Have a healthy and glorious 2016
Just needed to get this out as I've hit a wall of frustration- apologies for the rant lol!
When I'm looking to get my jollies, I find myself usually gravitating towards yaoi (or the occasional yuri) but decided to shake it up over the last several days and explore the world of shoujo sex (aka the smut tag). Needless to say, I hated. Ignoring the overuse of rape, which is heavily featured in yaoi as well, there are just tons of reasons why shoujo smut pisses me off.
1. The main lead is pretty much always, always an asshole. In the rare cases he isn't, he will have an asshole friend who tries to rape the female MC. Always
2. There's never really any conflict resolution. Maybe it's just me but...does anyone else feel like the guy just gets away with whatever? It's like the girls are so dick-dizzy they forget how to confront them. Or it's a shallow "sorry" without addressing the root of the issue: possessiveness, paranoia, plain old douchebaggery...
3. Unnecessary drama. Well this is pretty typical in all shoujo but I find it's heightened in smut because now we have rape! So stupid scenes like a jealous girl group surrounding the MC and telling her how much her boyfriend dislikes her (cuz, ya know, they're bffs with the guy and all) now turns into girl being kidnapped and (almost) raped by a random group of guys! And every minor guy who blushes when he brushes hands with the MC becomes a brutal horndog whose need to hump her outweighs all rational thought. Seriously, it's like all the characters are on drugs- their reactions are so extreme!
4. And this is really just a preference thing but the art just isn't as detailed and it ends up feeling like a ton of buildup for nothing!
Once again, super sorry for the rant. I was originally going to write only a few lines, but apparently I felt more strongly about this than I thought lol. To anyone who managed to read this far- cookies, cookies, everywhere. Or would candy canes be more holiday appropriate? Anywhoo...I'd love to hear y'all's thoughts on it and/or you've come across any smut that really exceeded your expectations, either good or bad (I'm up for a laugh). (⌒▽⌒)
I feel ya. I tried to read those, but the girls were so unnecessarily weak and the males were so arrogant that I immediately stopped. So much drama too... I know that's typical for a shojou, but god dang...
Agreed. For some reason, most shoujo smut I've read are all the same basic plot .. :/ Kinda like how 'this girl is being forced to do such and such' or eveything feels like rape. (Most of the reason that I found myself liking bl more is because of the common theme in shoujo smut) That's just my opinion, though. Not pointing fingers. ( ̄∇ ̄")
Because of that, I Love Yaoi so much, more.. more than shoujosei smut. they have no feeling at all when have sex. always always always forcefull. hatefullll. it's really really really different when uke say "no no, don't... " to seme. my heart felt content. but when some shoujosei smut MC say "no no, don't.." I just scream.. bitch, if you don't want it, just kick him. slap him. SCREAM!!
oh, I never said that all of them had bad story yadda yadda, I find some good manga actually, like: http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/koi_wo_suru_no_ga_shigoto_desu/
If this story is really completed, then I'm 100% disappointed in the author because then this story was pointless. The author just throws in useless plot points for the sake of them getting together. The MC describes his family as so loving and super important, but they might as well not have been there in the first place, considering they made 1 appearance in 5 whole chapters. Seriously, after he met the guy, the family (that was his motivation for doing anything in the first place) just *poof* disappeared.
And, on that note, we don't know much about the main characters, either. Not even their ages. All in all, it just comes off as a super shallow story that doesn't serve any purpose. Like a PWP without the porn. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
I agree. I didn't even finish reading this because it's so stupid. I didn't feel any connection with the characters and neither of them actually have a personality. They're so plain.