pls make him run all over the place like a dog when finding Dan, I don't want his chasing arc to be short and not sufferable (︶︿︶)=凸
such a tsundere coded response from little Mo (=・ω・=)
"I have to set things 'straight'." yes so about that one...
I legit thought he suddenly got erectile disjunction
He should stay that way. Only get hard for Dan BWAHAHAAHAHA
I got butterflies in my stomach after that zhengJian moment omg
pls make him suffer more
Thank you very much for the update! I missed this manga sm <3<3
I'm kinda worried bcs they already made a big development in such short time, I'm thinking that after a couple more chapters author will make me bawl my eyes out from angst
The bonus chapter be silly funny and cute as hell, I love it <3
literally covered my mouth with my hand... can't wait for the next chap already I'm blushing so hard
pls make him run all over the place like a dog when finding Dan, I don't want his chasing arc to be short and not sufferable (︶︿︶)=凸