Okok so ..
There's a short story based on Laika. Though instead of a dog, Laika is in a form of a child being adopted off the streets if I remember correctly. The child is given tasks and experiments throughout the whole manga Along with other children which I assume are other animals irl. Throughout the story. It is shown the emotions the child goes through; their thoughts on their "masters", on the experiments, and on the death of their friends who are experiencing the same thing. It is really tragic to know what a dog or any living being would feel under these conditions.
I'm not really sure when I read this short story but it was a couple of years ago and I can't seem to find it since then. If anyone happens to know the name of it please reply to this. Thank you either way.

Honestly I kinda respect Rashta. Tho what she's doing is wrong, she's just trying to protect her children. Her intentions was to simply join the Fam and be friends with the Queen but who would want to be friends with someone who's stealing yo mans. I also respect her for not wanting to use her baby as a way to stay with the Emperor. I still disagree with her way of being. It's unfortunate that she's unable to take care of her kids without the help of power.
I have no respects towards the Emeror. I understand that he didn't feel any affection from the Queen but that's why you speak to her instead of bringing someone else. I also understand that concubine is a thing but don't go expecting the Queen to accept her and her child. Even less to expect her adopt the child. Who would want to adopt a child from the woman that stole your man? And why is he always making unreasonable demands and blaming the Queen for everything. Allowing the concubine to get close to the Queen???? I- I hate this man with passion. He really wanted her to stay single after a divorce.
No♡ bye-

to me Rashta is a woman who got a real shit hand in life. Really the only part where she fricked up is that she became obsessed with taking Navier's position. She could easily have comfortably lived out her life as a beloved and pampered mistress if she didn't go causing shit with NAvier and just kept her head down.
The emperor could have easily put a stop to that shit if he had thought to use his head for like 10 minutes but he acted like a jackass to everyone in this situation. like .....not only was it unfair to expect Navier to adopt his love child did he really think Rashta would happily hand over her baby to Navier to raise? no one was going to be happy with his stupid plan. Even more so his stupid plan to make Rashta a temporary queen. How pissed was she goign to be when he took her position away? HE seriously only thought about himself and just expected everyone to go with what he plotted without discussing it with anyone. Trashta is awful in her own way but at least she has a pretty good reason for her hustle. The emperor is just a massive dickhead for no reason.

There's one thing that has always bugged me.
This man said "You're too Loose down here. How many men did you fuck around with?"
I've met alot of men who actually think this way.
Truth is..
No, a virgina cannot become too loose from too much sex. Unless you are engaging in practices that are out of the ordinary.
"When you’re aroused, your pelvic floor muscles relax, but when you’re no longer aroused, your pelvic floor muscles tighten again"
In other words. If a female is aroused, the vagina becomes naturally lubricated, and it expands. It widens in order to accommodate a dick. Of course it all goes back to normal once the arousal state and the sex is over.
So again, if a female is too loose, she's horny. Nothing else.
@rinie_fujoshi on Instagram has some if that helps