Tbh the killer's growing on me. He kinda hot

You guys are so funny istg lmao but tbf, ive read some things... And dont you guys dare tell me you dont see the appeal at least ಠ_ಠ
Its the same concept with other masked entity with mysterious auras. Fr look at pyramid head? Deeta from ( https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/kansai_jin_to_hukuman_satsujinki/ ) or masked villlains/superheroes out there?
Seriously? ┐( ˘_˘)┌

There is the appeal of being indifferent/stoic but ppl surrounding you can see that you're a good person or something so they want to dote you. I personally like this kinda thing that they found him cute and adorable lol his calm and solemn demeanor is kinda attractive. Maybe its because its one chapter per update but if you start to read it from start to finish (a completed manga) maybe the pacing would make sense or justifiable. Im sure its different since it was adapted from a novel tho. Also, dont touch the doggo or everybody will k you lol
I didnt get the feeling at first, but i thought if his knights are female, this is def harem like even if no romance is involved. Lo and behold they are female. What did i expect when the first chapter, he was admiring his mother like that. And def preferred to be surrounded by females. Nothing against anything but the balance is tipped on one side
I loved it everything is as it should be