Bunnybunny97's experience ( All 2 )

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I just finished defending my thesis yesterday and i passed. The whole 6 months doing research and revise finally came to an end but oddly i feel empty. I was sure that i would feel great since it was so hard to work on it but after i finished it yesterday..... its just, nothing??? I was like, after i got back home from college i literally just feel......   2 reply
26 01,2025
about question
I just finished doing my thesis presentation and this presentation is abt the analysis and results of my thesis but fuck it bro my mentors is so fricking annoying and make me upset. Like they really told me that i need to have junior in 5th semester attend my presentation, and specific things like i should do this and that but just yesterday anothe......   4 reply
12 12,2024

Bunnybunny97's answer ( All 91 )

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Not me but my bestfriend did. She dated a boy who's popular and her relationship basically like everyone's business cuz they keep telling her that someone or her bf is together doing something or some shit. It probably doesnt help cuz this happened in middle school so things were exaggerated, like rumors and gossip. Fortunately my bestfriend didnt ......   reply
4 days
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Room 60   reply
4 days
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I feel like people attracted(?) To me when i'm being dumb wtf. Idk abt face, i rarely look at mirror cuz i hate my face   reply
9 days
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No. Sometimes I looked back to the past but I do not wish things were like back then. Sure, I do have some share of happiness back then but it took me so much to be where I am now. So, no. My father said: "Your past is like your rear mirror, don't focus at it too much or you will lost your direction which is at the front. Use the past as your direc......   2 reply
18 days
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It depends, if i got too hurt or near dying, I prefer to get my shit checked and rest lol. Honestly it depends on my mood tbh if i were so fcked up that day i imagine i just crash out ☠   reply
18 days

Bunnybunny97's question ( All 3 )

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I have milia on my face, its like acne but it doesnt go away... my skin type is oily and i've been applying AHA BHA serum, its kinda plummeted(?) but its still visible on my face. Do u guys have any tips to remove milia completely?? Also which one is better for skin care, skincare from beauty products or from medical stuff?? TIA
25 07,2024
about question
Bunnybunny97 28 06,2024
This is gonna be so long. So, i have a group assignment where we had to do community satisfaction index survey in an government office. My group has 6 members, including myself. So at first, our lecturer told us to have a leader in the group. I obviously didnt want to because i'm aware that i dont have the capability to be a leader. In the end, its undecided that theres a leader in my group.

Second, we then need to present 3 choices of what public service office we want to do the survey at so the University could sent a permission letter to the office (basically asking them for permission to do the survey) No one offered their idea except me. They said, "i dont know what kinda public service office i had in my area" or "my place kinda far, idk if yall want to pick the place if its far" and they goes silent. I then offer 2 office, 1 where i worked at, and another is purely my suggestion. The 3rd added by another member. Even after we had 3 choices, i asked them if they want to change it. No one talked and urged me to give it to the lecturer.

After the letter was sent and we got the permission (note that it was ME who did the whole coordination with the Office side including sending the letter and talking to them and communicate. All of them? Just standing behind me. And yes, i did give them chances to talk), we started to do the survey at the office. NO ONE PREPARED FOR ANYTHING. No one bring the questionnaire, no one bring pens. They literaly came with empty hands. Fortunately, i copied the questionnaires and bring 2 pens. I was upset at this point.

And for the whole gathering the sample, we had an aggreement to fake the questionnaire at least 10 questionnaire for each of us (because the deadline is not even 1 month when the data that we gathered was for 3 months. How the heck we gather 3 months sample in less than 1 month? So we did that) and yknow what? NO ONE did that and when its near the deadline, they did.

Atp, i am so upset cuz i also helped for inputting(?) the sample with another member (it was easy, just time consuming) And yknow what? NO ONE even had the initiate to search and find what kind of excel format we input data in. I was practically begging to another group member to sent their file cuz i literally had no idea what we should do with the data. And yes, i did ask them (my member) to find the excel so we can started to input the sample data.

And then one member did the report (thank God). But then again, i dont know that the data need to be processed (like i said i had no idea). She (the one who did the report) told me to process it so that it has result. I aggree to do it.

After that, she sent me the report. She wrote that i'm the leader, and i refused ofc bcuz i dont want the responsibility. She said, "correct it yourself". And then another group member told me that our report need to be corrected (theres some misplaced stuff and adding the questionnaire format). So ofc being in charge to do the report, i asked her NICELY, "hey (name), can u change this part and add the questionnaire?"

I guess she misunderstood my question bcuz it was in chat and i was busy at that moment. She replied that with hundreds of questionnare, she cant do it. And she said that, "and pls read the whole report, the content is the same even if its misplaced. If its misplaced, is it wrong?"

I WAS SO MAD. Like i understand that she misunderstood at the questionnare part and i correct it, but is there a need to replied so aggressively??? BRO I DIDNT FORCE HER TO CHANGE IT!! I asked her "can you—" but she was so defensive abt it.

It was my last straw, really. I really want to be mad at her but i decided its not worth it, so i just said "if you dont want to change it then thats okay" No one cheered up for the completed assignment or sent chats in the groupchat after that.

I wouldnt be this upset if they initiate things and do their job, really. I also dont know how things work. This is really the first time i did survey, but how the heck they are that dumb? And to fuel my already upset self, they even had the audacity to said "if only we didnt choose this place and choose (my workplace)" bcuz we had some difficulties. It really hurt me fr.

But what irritates me the most is when i ask them to input the data or do the report, their reasons are "i dont understand how to do it" "i dont have a laptop" or just flat out "im busy".

Its my first time to do this assignment and i also dont understand stuff but i LEARNED IT. I also busy bcuz i worked, but I MAKE TIME TO DO THE ASSIGNMENT....

Welp, do yall think im an asshole for getting mad to my group member?
28 06,2024
about question
5 days ago i got hospitalized for gastritis and has been in recovery since. I have high- cholesterol history but last time i checked my cholesterol in my blood is normal (it was a little over a month ago). 3 days ago i ate bbq with my friends and today i ate bbq with meat, sausage and meatballs for lunch. And im having meatballs again for dinner. Cuz im afraid, i take a medicine to prevent high-cholesterol and then i feel so bloated and my feets are hurt. I'm afraid im having high-blood pressure or stroke, what should i dooo should i exercise?
16 04,2024

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