Bunnybunny97 asked a question

I already read: Define The Relationship, Do You Still Like Me?, Symrna & Capri, Alpha to Alpha wo Dakuhouho, Alpha Buddy, Aesthetic of Unpleasantness

Bunnybunny97 asked a question


Bunnybunny97 asked a question
Bunnybunny97 asked a question

My wifi is fine and my data work perfectly fine too but for some reason i cant see the comment section cuz it keeps loading?? Is it just me??

Bunnybunny97 asked a question

Literally listening to Wildflower by Billie Eilish on repeat and i need some angsty reading to complete the angst mood

Bunnybunny97 asked a question

Guys, where to watch Mignon? Fully translated and full episodes... i used to watch in 9h3ntai or sth but i forgor what the site is called

Bunnybunny97 asked a question

I've been putting off reading Our Sunny Days thinking it would be boring because it has kids in it and i was totally wrong. That manhwa is one of the greatest thing i've read this year...... man..... im actually sobbing rn

Bunnybunny97 shared experience about question
I just finished defending my thesis yesterday and i passed. The whole 6 months doing research and revise finally came to an end but oddly i feel empty. I was sure that i would feel great since it was so hard to work on it but after i finished it yesterday..... its just, nothing??? I was like, after i got back home from college i literally just feel......
Bunnybunny97 asked a question

Any reccs for angst where MC dies?? Im feeling angsty rn

Bunnybunny97 followed question about question

Please finding danmei here is a struggle cuz they arent officals or uploaded. I dont even know a good novel link to read danmei. Help a brother out

23 12,2024
Bunnybunny97 asked a question

Does that manhwa uploaded here? I tried to search by that title but nothing came up

Bunnybunny97 like the answer
People have given great tips here. But as a ex fat kid who lost like 20 kgs and basically cured my breathing and asthma problems, I would totally recommend you try swimming if you can. Or any sort of recreational sport, join a sports club if you go to school. Martial arts is great too. You will learn a new skill, make new friends and become a lot h......
Bunnybunny97 shared experience about question
I just finished doing my thesis presentation and this presentation is abt the analysis and results of my thesis but fuck it bro my mentors is so fricking annoying and make me upset. Like they really told me that i need to have junior in 5th semester attend my presentation, and specific things like i should do this and that but just yesterday anothe......
Bunnybunny97 asked a question

FMC is a S-Class hunter who was gone through 100 times regression and then get reincarnated/transmigrated to fantasy world as a noble villain daughter, she has dark hair originally and then white hair when she was reincarnated. She has 2 siblings (brothers) in the new world and constantly being bullied(?) Abt how weak she is (the og daughter was weak)

Bunnybunny97 asked a question

Giys pls reccommend me some action MCs with pretty faces preferable pretty man idk im craving some pretty man

Bunnybunny97 asked a question

Any manga/mangwas like Silver Diamond?

Bunnybunny97 asked a question

Reccs for mangamanhwa like this guys

Bunnybunny97 asked a question

Does anyone have rec for this type of manga/manhwa? My momy issues acting up

Bunnybunny97 asked a question

Does anyone have reccs for Female MC with job in male dominated field like soldier, hunter (hunter universe), esper, etc? Also i prefer the FMC build with some muscle (like Mikasa as elite soldiers) not body with curvy lines or like skinny

Bunnybunny97 asked a question

Yall is there any manga like "Zettai BL ni Naru Sekai VS Zettai BL ni Naritakunai Otoko" im so obsessed with it omg it doesnt help the fandom is so small i need fanfiction or any manga/hwa that are similar to that